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Allows you to program different types...
Customer Relationship Management
Improve your CRM system in Dolibarr by adding SMS notification functionality by installing MoceanAPI Send SMS
View the final third-party delivery directly in your "Supplier orders" listing.
The module includes a payment receipt document model for member subscriptions
Recherche d'entreprises Françaises. "API Recherche d'entreprises" est une des APIs du service public. Rechercher une entreprise française, par sa dénomination, ou son adresse. Sources Insee - - Sirene - INPI
Sales team will not like to clutter their list of Customer & Prospects with this list or dump of suspects, hence they prefer to keep the list of suspects separately. To resolve this practical challenge faced by Sales team we have come up with this Pre-Opportunity module.
The module allows shipments and invoices to be locked. For shipments, the non-authorized user cannot ship a quantity greater than that ordered. For invoices, the non-authorized user cannot create more than one invoice on shipments, and more than one invoice on orders.
Mit diesem Modul soll verhindert werden, dass Verkäufe an Kunden getätigt werden, die noch im Rückstand sind. Wenn Sie eine Zeile hinzufügen und/oder einen Vorschlag, eine Bestellung oder eine Rechnung freigeben, gibt das Modul eine Warnung oder einen Fehler aus (konfigurierbar). Das Modul verwendet den in der Eigenschaft A/R WIP-Limit festgelegten...
Add fields to automatically calculate the discount percentage based on the net unit price.
Exporting card's third in PDF. All informations can be show or not on setup module. Demo (demo/demo)
This Module show you TTC, TH, Total TTC and Total TH when you want insert products in your invoices or in your proposals