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Allows you to program different types...
Module zur Produkt- oder Leistungsverwaltung bzw. Lagerverwaltung
InfraS research brings many improvements to basic functions:Breadcrumb ; Exhaustive search including extra attributes (extrafields) in all types of items available ; a page dedicated to the presentation of the results ; direct links to the selected element whatever it is ; complete replacement of the standard tool for thorough ergonomics ; Etc…
SupplierPricR allows you to create/update the purchase price of a supplier from the response of a quote request.
Verwaltung von Rückständen. Behalten Sie den Überblick über Ihre Kunden- und Lieferantenrückstände. Sehen Sie sich die Höhe des Auftragsrückstands in der Auftragsliste an. Zeigen Sie Details zu rückständigen Aufträgen in einer durchsuchbaren und filterbaren Liste an. Generieren Sie für Ihre Kundenbestellung eine PDF-Datei mit den im Rückstand...
With 'Invoice Express' you can create an invoice with a click. Very useful if you need to create simple invoices and you do not want to do 20 clicks to create it.
This module allows you to create customizable product options: - define your own options for each product - associate an additional amount for each of the options - the selling price of the product is automatically modified according to the options - transfer the options chosen between the parts (estimate, order, invoice)
It allows you to massively modify the purchase or sale prices for the selected items. Once the prices to be changed have been identified (on the categories, on the supplier, on the title, ...) and introduced the discount/increase criteria, through a percentage and a rounding criterion, with a simple click it is possible to massively vary the prices of...
Capture the attention of your client, sell more while they pay you. Customer Display allows you to take an additional look at what you offer to your customers. Show the customer what he buys, the quantities, discounts and prices, set up advertising for your business, generate trust and interest.
Ce module a été réécrit à partir du module Cashdesk fourni en natif dans Dolibarr. De nombreuses fonctionnalités ont été apportées...
The use of InfraS discounts simplifies your commercial management: - Discounts in percentage or value (monetary) - Cascading discounts (cumulative: 10% + 5%) - Discounts on products only - Dynamic calculation (any modification leads to a recalculation of discounts) - Respected margins - Discounts on products or services