Sonstiges Es gibt 256 Artikel.

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Zeige 85 - 96 von 256 Artikeln
  • SaveMySearch (custom filters for Dolibarr lists)
    49,20 €
    SaveMySearch (custom filters for Dolibarr...

    The SaveMySearch module allows you to save, under a label of your choice, the parameters of your search in a Dolibarr list and to restore them at any time with a simple click. This is particularly useful if you have the impression that you are always looking for the same things on this or that list. It is presented in the form of a toolbar which is...

    49,20 €
  • MBI Real-Time
    49,90 €
    MBI Real-Time

    The MBI Real-Time module offers a dashboard of the invoiced turnover excluding VAT for the day, updated in real-time, including statistics such as the turnover for the week, month and year, in comparison to the last periods.

    49,90 €
    58,80 €

    FICHAJES is a complete SOLUTION to keep track of the hours worked by employees, and in a simple and automated way, you can perform the following operations: ENTRY, PAUSE, EXIT.

    58,80 €
  • GeoAddresses
    58,80 €

    GeoAdrreses allows you to validate postal addresses of warehouses, thirdparty, or contacts in a graphic way directly on a map, as an asset to be taken into account in different important corporate processes. This can have different utilities, such as optimizing delivery routes, quality assurance of mailing address data, or getting new views of sales...

    58,80 €
  • MBI Champs Personnalisés 10.0.0 - 16.0.x
    59,90 €
    MBI Champs Personnalisés 10.0.0 - 16.0.x

    The MBI Champs Personnalisés module allows to create categories and options for products and services, and then to customize them in each commercial proposals and invoices.

    59,90 €
  • Management of employee contracts 6.0.0 - 13.0.0
    60,00 €
    Management of employee contracts 6.0.0 -...

    -Dieses Modul ermöglicht es uns, die Verträge der Mitarbeiter zu verwalten: - Art des Vertrags, - Datum der Einstellung, - der Vertrag hochgeladen (jede Art enthalten: doc, pdf, xls ...) - Datum Unterschrift des Vertrags (durch den Mitarbeiter und die Richtung), - Datum der ärztlichen Untersuchung zu Beginn der Einstellung, - Enddatum des Vertrags.

    60,00 €
  • Commission and Automatic Management Fee 15.x - 20.x
    60,00 €
    Commission and Automatic Management Fee...

    Automatically manage your management fees, commissions or participation in processing. This module automatically adds a line to your quotes / invoices / orders, representing a percentage of the total amount.

    60,00 €
  • LeavetoAgenda 18.0.x - 20.0.x
    60,00 €
    LeavetoAgenda 18.0.x - 20.0.x

    Leave To Agenda adds users' approved leaves in the agenda. If the leave is cancelled or disapproved, it is deleted from the agenda

    60,00 €
  • Custom Dashboard
    60,00 €
    Custom Dashboard

    Replace index pages and choose widgets available and visible on your dashboards

    60,00 €
  • Gesendete E-Mail-Überprüfung (Sent Email Checker) 13.0.0
    60,00 €
    Gesendete E-Mail-Überprüfung (Sent Email...

    Dank des Moduls "(E-Mail gesendet) können Sie alle Ihre Kundenrechnungen, Lieferantenrechnungen, Kaufangebote, Kundenbestellungen, Lieferantenbestellungen, die an den jeweiligen Ansprechpartner gesendet werden, kennen und bereitstellen. Jedes Element wird mit dem blauen Kreuz versehen .

    60,00 €
  • Credit limit to customers
    60,00 €
    Credit limit to customers

    The module to limit the credit to the clients, allows to assign permissions to the users so that they can assign or not a credit limit to a client in the customer file in the option maximum amount for pending invoices. It also prevents you from being billed, placing an order, creating a shipment, half-time if the credit limit has been reached.

    60,00 €
  • Mass Payments 10
    60,00 €
    Mass Payments 10

    Machen Sie massive Zahlungen von Rechnungen. Sie können Hunderte von Rechnungen per Datum, Zahlungsmethode ... mit einem einzigen Klick bezahlen.

    60,00 €
Zeige 85 - 96 von 256 Artikeln