
Module und Plugins erweitern den Funktionsumfang des Dolibarr ERP / CRM. Sie können die Filterung verbessern, indem eine Unterkategorie im linken Menü auswählen.

Module/Plugins Es gibt 967 Artikel.


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Zeige 733 - 744 von 967 Artikeln
  • Building Management Module, Tender and Markets 6.0.0 - 13.0.0
    180,00 €
    Building Management Module, Tender and...

    This module allows the management of tenders, contracts, site works, staffing, site equipment consumption, building materials management and workstations on each site. - Tenders Management - Market Management - Building Works - Buy Sell - Compta / Tréso Chantiers - Human ressources - Consumables & Expenses

    180,00 €
  • DoliEsign 8.0 - 16.0
    180,00 €
    DoliEsign 8.0 - 16.0

    This module permits you to create legally valid digital signed PDF document. With the DoiEsign module you can have your commercial documents digital signed by your contacts. The documents will be signed by either the Yousign (c) signing services or the Universign signing services. Yousign and Universign will deliver legally valid signed documents.

    180,00 €
  • Contact/Exchange tracking 15.x - 20.0.x
    180,00 €
    Contact/Exchange tracking 15.x - 20.0.x

    This module makes it possible to follow prospecting, the daily management of the customers, the follow-up of the unpaid bills, the after-sales service, ... by registering all the contacts with the thirdparties. You will be able to follow all incoming and outgoing contacts, whether telephone, physical, email, ...

    180,00 €
  • Quotation Tracking (automatic and manual) 15.x - 21.0.x
    180,00 €
    Quotation Tracking (automatic and manual)...

    Manage your commercial reminders and pilote your commercial activity through this module: proposals to re-launch,  re-launch monitoring,  ... Do not miss out customers ! Create easily and quickly reminders by e-mail or letters with as many different templates as you need. Create automatic or manual reminders. One click is enough to follow-up all current...

    180,00 €
  • Rekrutierungsmodul Dolibarr
    180,00 €
    Rekrutierungsmodul Dolibarr

    Mit dem Rekrutierungsmodul für Dolibarr können Sie Folgendes verwalten: 1- Stellen oder Positionen, die Sie in Ihrem Unternehmen benötigen. 2- Bewerbungen: Verfolgen Sie alle Ihre Kandidaten 3- Eigene Lebenslauf- und Briefe-Datenbank verwalten 4- Automatische Indizierung und erweiterte Suche bereits bestehender Kandidatenprofile.

    180,00 €
  • Vorbeugende und korrektive Wartung 6.0.0 - 13.0.0
    180,00 €
    Vorbeugende und korrektive Wartung 6.0.0 -...

    Wartung und vorbeugende Wartung: Löst automatisch Wartungsanforderungen basierend auf ICPs aus. Korrektive Wartung: Lösen Sie die korrigierende Wartung direkt über das zentrale Bedienfeld aus. Zeitplan: Planen Sie Wartungs- und Servicearbeiten nach einem Zeitplan. Statistik: Lassen Sie sich alle Wartungsstatistiken berechnen: durchschnittliche Zeit...

    180,00 €
  • VAT Margin 7.x - 20.0.x
    180,00 €
    VAT Margin 7.x - 20.0.x

    This module allows the companies concerned to apply the VAT on the margin (used goods, objects of Art and Antiques).

    180,00 €
  • Complete commercial offer 11.x - 20.0.x
    180,00 €
    Complete commercial offer 11.x - 20.0.x

    This module allows you to automatically generate a complete commercial offer, by compiling the various attached PDF documents and the estimate itself. You can also add a summary, your Terms Of Sale and present everything with a graphic charter applied to all pages.

    180,00 €
  • User restrictions - Blockages 15.x - 20.0.x
    180,00 €
    User restrictions - Blockages 15.x - 20.0.x

    This module allows to limit users in their actions: blocking of outstanding amounts, action restrictions on suppliers, customers, quotes, invoices, orders, .... Example: impossible to validate a quote/invoice if amount of authorized outstanding is exceeded, approval system by the hierarchy of supplier order/invoice according to conditions, limitation of...

    180,00 €
    180,00 €

    Überstunden einfach berechnen ... 100% Effizienz! ✓ Überstundenschwellen und wöchentliche Arbeitszeit ✓ Arbeitszeiterklärung und Validierungsmanager ✓ Automatische Berechnung von Überstunden ✓ Stundenwiederherstellungs- oder Kompensationszähler

    180,00 €
  • Peppol XML - facture electronique
    180,00 €
    Peppol XML - facture electronique

    (from wikipedia : PEPPOL (Pan-European Public Procurement Online) is a set of specifications maintained by the OpenPEPPOL non-profit organisation with the aim of standardizing cross-border, electronically supported procurement procedures. It features, among other things, electronic invoicing. With that plugin your...

    180,00 €
  • GestionParcClient
    180,00 €

    Customer resource management. Creates a "Customer Resources" tab on non-supplier third parties. Create as many types of parks as you want and manage the fields yourself. Organize the resources you have or make available to your customers. Possibility of creating interventions with check and export of the customer base in CSV at a given moment.

    180,00 €
Zeige 733 - 744 von 967 Artikeln