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The FacturZen module for Dolibarr simplifies and automates the management of overdue invoice reminders. Whether via email or internal tasks, FacturZen helps you optimize your debt collection processes while maintaining full control over your actions.
Streamline your supplier invoice processing with Scandoc for Dolibarr! Effortlessly import supplier invoices from PDFs or scans, automate data extraction, and eliminate manual entry. Save time, reduce errors, and boost efficiency. Free trial available!
Schnittstellen zu anderen Softwaresystemen und Applikationen
Connect your profile to generate shipments from Dolibarr project or invoice
BankAccount2Doli is a module that enables, through regulatory standardization and open banking, the synchronization of bank accounts with Dolibarr.
Streamline your supplier invoice processing with Scandoc for Dolibarr! Effortlessly import supplier invoices from PDFs or scans, automate data extraction, and eliminate manual entry. Save time, reduce errors, and boost efficiency. Free trial available!
PrestaSync, the E-commerce Connector Between Dolibarr & Prestashop PrestaSync is a synchronization module between Prestashop and Dolibarr, designed to simplify the management of products, orders, customers, and inventory across these two platforms.
obapi is designed to make easy exchanges between business software like dolibarr. First version of obapi make possible to exchange invoices between dolibarr. Next step are for other parts of business objects.
This module connects to the API Tiers de Prestation for the immediate advance of tax credits on client invoices for personal services. You need a free login to use this plugin (
Utiliser les QR Codes avec Dolibarr. Codes barres en deux dimensions, codant pour plusieurs milliers de caractères, permettant d’accéder rapidement à une information et de combiner espace physique et espace virtuel en rendant tout support interactif. Permet à l’utilisateur, par une action de «scan» de le décoder pour accéder à des contenus numériques associés de manière quasi immédiate.
Alle Ihre Benutzer können KI von verschiedenen Anbietern zu minimalen Kosten nutzen und zahlen nur für den API-Verbrauch (chatGPT, Perplexity, Claude, FLUX). Sie können Anbieter, KI-Modelle, Nutzungslimits und Berechtigungen pro Benutzer konfigurieren. Behalten Sie einen vollständigen Verlauf aller KI-Interaktionen innerhalb von Dolibarr bei. IMASDEWEB
Utiliser les QR Codes avec Dolibarr. Codes barres en deux dimensions, codant pour plusieurs milliers de caractères, permettant d’accéder rapidement à une information et de combiner espace physique et espace virtuel en rendant tout support interactif. Permet à l’utilisateur, par une action de «scan» de le décoder pour accéder à des contenus numériques associés de manière quasi immédiate.
This module will add a frame with parcel tracking details to shipment pages for several French shipping services : Colissimo, Chronopost and "Lettre suivie". This uses the free and official API from "La Poste"
Condilogix is a packaging management module that simplifies order processing and stock management for businesses that sell by the carton. It allows you to enter quantities in units or cartons, automatically rounding up to the nearest carton when necessary, while keeping precise unit-level inventory tracking without needing different ENA13 codes for logistical variants.
Module that allows you to create customer orders in the form of commands. In addition, you can manage tables and print an order ticket to collect before making the invoice. Compatible with NumberSeries module. Adaptable to a smartphone