
  • massaction

    This module offers new mass actions: batch download of PDF documents as a zip archive, batch adding of recipients to a mailing list, batch assignment of a salesperson to third parties.

    108,00 €  ( 216€ )
  • Medical Center

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    67,20 €  (84€)

Neue Produkte

  • Mass Order Generation

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    90,00 €
  • Send Document By (Web Whatsapp or Web Telegram)

    Send proposals, orders, or invoices to your customers via Web WhatsApp or Telegram with just one click!

    12,00 €

MBI Signature Custom Documents


MBI Signature Custom Documents is an extension of the MBI Signature module and requires it to works. The module allows your third parties to sign your PDF documents attached to thirdparties, proposals and contracts by choosing the position of the signature on the document.

189,90 €

  • Modulversion 1.4.3
  • Veröffentlichungsdatum 02.03.2022
  • So kontaktieren Sie den Support [email protected]
  • Kompatibilität Dolibarr12.0.0 - 20.0.x
  • Letztes Update 02.01.2025 16:54

Mehr Infos

Module version: auto

Publisher/Licence: MB Informatique / AGPL
User interface language: English (CA, GB, NZ, US), Spanish (ES), French (BE, CA, CH, FR), German (AT, CH, DE), Slovak (SK)
Help/Support: [email protected]

  • Dolibarr min version: auto
  • Dolibarr max version: auto







MBI Signature Custom Documents is an extension of the MBI Signature module and requires it to works. The module allows your third parties to sign your PDF documents attached to thirdparties, proposals and contracts by choosing the position of the signature on the document.


Demo : https://demo.mbicloud.fr




- An online signature page whose links can be sent by email with the variable __EXTRAFIELD_SIGNATURE_LINK_CUSTOM__

- Signature is possible with mouse and touch screen

- Signature informations are stored in the Dolibarr database with IP address and date

- A customizable confirmation email is sent automatically after a signature

- Compatible with the Multicompany module

- Signature of any PDF document attached to a thirdparty, commercial proposal or contract

- Choose the location of the signature on the PDF document with a drag and drop

- Save and reuse signature position




Update 1.2 (10/05/2022) :

The module manages the landscape format.

Update 1.1 (10/03/2022) :

Signature of PDF documents attached to a project.


Initial version 1.0 (02/03/2022)




- Check that the latest version of the MBI Signature module is installed.

- Drop the folder ‘mbisignaturecustomdocs’ in htdocs/custom or use the option ‘Deploy/install external app/module’ in the list of modules.

- Activate the MBI Signature Custom Documents module which is now in the list of modules and change the module setup according to your needs.

- The substitution variable __EXTRAFIELD_SIGNATURE_LINK_CUSTOM__ can now be used in your e-mails and contains the list of electronic signature links.

- A ‘Sign document’ button is displayed in the commercial proposals and contracts and allows you to define the position of the signature on the desired document and to generate a signature link

- The signed PDF is only generated once after signing.

- After signing a document, an e-mail is automatically sent to your company or to the sales representative of the customer with the customer in copy. He confirms the signing and sends the signed PDF as an attachment. You can customize this e-mail in the module setup page. The commercial proposal change automatically to ‘signed’ after that.




The MBI Signature module doesn’t work if your commercial proposals/sales orders/shipments have a custom reference number that contains spaces.


End-user License Agreement

The MBI Signature Custom Documents module is edited by MB Informatique SARL (SIRET: 83434236200029), whose head office is located at 120 Rue de l'Île Napoléon 68170 Rixheim - Tel. : 03 67 262 242. This End-user License Agreement legally frame the use of the services of the MBI Signature Custom Documents module.

MB Informatique SARL declines all responsibility for any viruses that may infect the User's computer equipment after use or access to this module.

The total guarantee of data security, integrity and confidentiality, whatever it is, is not guaranteed by MB Informatique SARL.

The use of an authenticated SMTP server with e-mail storage is recommended in order to guarantee proof of signature.

MB Informatique SARL cannot be held responsible for its use outside the legal framework and cannot be held responsible for the validity of the signature.

This contract is valid for an indefinite period. The beginning of the use of the module's services marks the application of the contract with regard to the User.