Allows you to program different types...
Products, Services or Stock
ListReceipts is a Dolibarr module that allows you to generate a list of receipts of supplier orders. It also includes the ability to generate two documents: a logistic reception label and a merchandise reception note.
This module allows to define calculation rule for determining the unit price (eg by using additional parameters-extrafields), this premium version adds custom settings values by category (product and customer)
This module allows you to display the price including VAT and convert the price to HT or TTC according to the VAT rate on the lines of commercial proposals, orders and customer invoices
Dynamic controlled product search box in Dolibarr to prevent duplicate product entries(DPSB).
Verify Stock is a module that helps you check stock data integrity. It checks product stock data recorded by Dolibarr for each product against the stock movements. It also provides a tool to get product stock a any given time in the past.
Stock synchronisation for composed products (kits) and force awp to 0 for those virtual products.
This module allows printing a barcode label per product for the entire product catalog.
This module provides the ability to add advanced and configurable widgets based on the needs and operation of the structure.
Add a field to enter amount of Eco Tax WEEE of a product. Then when adding product to proposals or invoices, one or several lines are automatically added with calculated amount of EcoTax for all products you added, and will appear on proposals or invoices.
InfraS supplier price module brings to the basic purchasing chain the rapid update of supplier rates: From an order or supplier invoice. No more need to open each product sheet one at a time. As you choose the lines concerned, there is no risk of an exceptional tariff being registered as an ordinary purchase condition.