Allows you to program different types...
Modules and plugins area to add more features to Dolibarr ERP/CRM
Customer Relationship Management
Category for modules related to ECommerce
Electronic Content Management
Category for modules Point of Sale
Human Relantionship management
Billing or Accountancy
Interfaces with other softwares or systems
Products, Services or Stock
Project management or collaborative features
Reporting or search features
Modules that change the way the user interface work. For new look themes, see the category "Themes and templates" instead.
System tools
DoliBinance is a simple module to add capability to accept Bitcoin or other crypto allowed by Binance, on Dolibarr. The payment page display your wallet deposit address (set it with the dictionnary) to the customer and a form to allow him to enter the transaction data he made to paid the invoice (by blockchain direct payment or exchange,...).
This module is a first try to manage a farm in Dolibarr. The target for agricultural stuff is available in france only (cadastre). Please buy it to support further development.
This module adds widgets to Dolibarr home pages. You can choose on which dolibarr home page (home, third party, accounting, etc.) to position them.
Calculo automatico de tarifas segun margenes sobre el costo
This module load all zip codes for France, Belgium and Switzerland. This makes autocomplete to suggest any zip or town when editing zip code or town on any screen with addresses. A new dictionary view is also added to manually edit this list.
This module add an entry "File manager" into top menu that allows you to navigate into any directory your PHP server is allowed to. You can list and download any file. Text files can also be modified.
The Dolibarr ShippingCosts module automatically adds shipping costs and their taxes to commercial proposals, orders, and invoices in Dolibarr. This module also provides PDF templates with the addition of shipping costs at the bottom of the page. The name of the shipping cost line can be chosen in the module's configuration (e.g., Shipping costs, Delivery...
ListReceipts is a Dolibarr module that allows you to generate a list of receipts of supplier orders. It also includes the ability to generate two documents: a logistic reception label and a merchandise reception note.