Allows you to program different types...
This module simplifies Dolibarr workflow for creating customer orders and related documents (expedition, BOL, invoice) with just a few clicks. PDF generation and PDF merge are included with a custom number of pages/include for each document.
The "Partner Bonus" module for Dolibarr is designed to facilitate the management of bonuses awarded to business partners directly from the ERP. This module allows you to automatically deduct a bonus amount from the all-inclusive amount of quotes and associated invoices, while ensuring total transparency in commercial documents.
The "Credit Status" module optimizes the management of credits and overcharges of invoices, by automating their conversion into credits available for future use. It offers a smooth and efficient solution for processing customer discounts and credits, improving cash management and customer satisfaction.
Allows users to request product requirements, this requirement can be processed in a purchase order or a transfer between warehouses.
Doli Dummy Data is a very handy tool, that can in a matter of seconds to create thousands of records for Customers, Suppliers, Contacts, Products, Customer proposal/order/invoice and Supplier proposal/order/invoice. Module is tested from Dolibarr v17.0.4 up to v20.0.1
The module allows you to add an item line as a correction to the total amount before tax on a supplier order placed.
ClientGuard is a powerful solution for Dolibarr that helps manage client account restrictions effectively. Automate payment conditions, track contract statuses, enforce financial limits, and ensure proposals, orders, and invoices comply with your business rules. Fully customizable permissions allow seamless control over user access while maintaining...
Save time by generating your invoices in bulk more efficiently. Choose to issue one or multiple invoices per client and generate them in just a few clicks from billable quotes or orders.
The Shipment grid module for Dolibarr allow you to calculate you shipping fees while doing your client's order.
The CMMS (Computerised Maintenance Management System) module is an essential, automated, simple and high-performance tool for optimising the management of your equipment and your operations. Thanks to its intuitive interface, you can plan, monitor and analyse all your maintenance operations. Extend the life of your assets and improve the productivity of...
Sales team will not like to clutter their list of Customer & Prospects with this list or dump of suspects, hence they prefer to keep the list of suspects separately. To resolve this practical challenge faced by Sales team we have come up with this Pre-Opportunity module.
Using QR Codes with Dolibarr. Two-dimensional barcode encoding several thousand characters, allowing quick access to information and combine physical and virtual space making any interactive medium. allows the user, by an action of "scan" decode to access digital content associated almost immediately.