Timesheet (download on sourceforge)



The module enable saving timespent on tasks in a more user friendly manner. It can also turn the saved time used on a project into reports,invoice and PDF attendance sheets favorite so the task used everyday are not among lot of other task used only once a while. The module support approval flow ( team & project) for the timesheet submitted.

More details


More info

Dolistor block the upload of the new version, please use source forge to download

Publisher/Licence: Patrick Delcroix / AGPL
User interface language: English
Help/Support: [email protected]
download: https://sourceforge.net/projects/dolibarr-timesheet/files/latest/download
En development thread:https://www.dolibarr.org/forum/511-creation-of-a-new-module/25010-timesheet-module


  • Project and task activated

  • user assigned to project and task



  • Timesheet interface for all the user task per week and per month
  • Timesheet entry possible for subordinates
  • Generate report on user and on project per month
  • Favorite handling to show only some project/task at timesheet page opening (other projects/task are available on another tab)
  • Approval of the timesheets per the N+1 and project leader
  • Invoice generation from the time saved on project ( via the timesheet module or dolibarr core)
  • Chrono feature to save your time while working in one click

Change log:


- fix favourite
- new filter on task info
- new: note icon changes if the note is filled
- new: quick link for report (this week ...)
- fix: error in 4.0.14 change for project report
- fix: error in project report from 4.0.11
- fix: report take now into account time in the end date

- fix: correct the reports (first line was always wrong)

- clean: use task_datehour iso task_date to retrieve time spent
- new: hide ref become hide title
- fix company link not working
- fix warning when reopening an empty approval submission
- fix #83 version compare issue on php 5
- fix total not display in timesheet page
- fix submittion without changes of timesheet

- fix:remove errro message of 4.0.8

4.0.8 change log from 4.0.7
 - new: block creation of timespent after the end of event
 - fix: add missing trad
 - fix: line where only the note was modified were not sent to the server in 4.0.7
 - fix: previous week link not working on slitted week if the first day of the month was a monday
 - fix: display hours iso seconds

4.0.7 change log from 4.0.3
 - new: xlsx, csv, tsv report export for several projects
 - new: more flexibility in time enter (support .5, 0 ... ctr+v )
 - new: (EXPERIMENTAL) support multiple taxes in invoice (TIMESHEET_EVAL_ADDLINE must be set to 1)
 - fix: selllist condition compatible with pgsql
 - fix: php warnings displayed
 - fix: only line modified are sent to the servers (support more task lines)


4.0.0 change log from 3.3.2

/! New user role required to see the timesheet menu /!

  • new chrono page
  • new time type in pdf can differt form timesheet page
  • new roles : timesheet user, chrono user and admin chrono
  • clean: pdf export name use date instead of UNIX time
  • fix: note editing in approval flow
  • fix: approver saved properly in the database
  • fix: pgSQL compatibility issue
  • fix: no from-to date showed on invoice
  • fix: main menu icon display in dolibarr 8


3.3.2 change log from 3.2.4 

  • Clean: better error message when submitting a timesheet for someone you are not allow to
  • Avoid posting issue on the admin page (full config was lost in some cases)
  • new: day notes
  • new: day notes on the pdf
  • new: default invoice service on user and user and task level
  • fix: project rights issues
  • fix: pdf title for duration aligned with the config
  • fix: french trads
  • fix: invoice generation issue

3.2.4 change log from 3.1.6

  • new: search in task on the timesheet page
  • new: report & invoices between dates instead on months
  • new: pointer when favourites star is hoovered on timesheet page

3.1.6 change log from 2.2.11

  • new: Generate PDF from project report (attendance sheet) (read rights required)
  • fix: avoid max_approval to be set at 0
  • fix: remove project closed from report selection
  • new: support timesheet being on a subfolder of the custom folder
  • clean: use a single function to generate the day/hours dispaly accross the module
  • fix: error on the timesheet page in case there is project whitelisted without task open in it.
  • fix: support quote in the main note fields
  • clean: when an entry is remove from the timesheet page the cell went red
  • fix: remove project closed from invoice page

 Install/update auto:

  • Download the archive file of module (.zip file) from web site DoliStore.com

  • go in admin tools update addons

  • select the zip and send

Install Manually:

  • Download the archive file of module (.zip file) from web site DoliStore.com

  • Put the file into the root directory of Dolibarr.

  • Uncompress the zip file, for example with command

unzip module_timesheet-2.2.7.zip
  • Module is then available and can be activated.

Update Manually:

    • Deactivate the module

    • remove the timesheet folder with the command

rm -fr htdocs/custom/timesheet

    • Download the archive file of module (.zip file) from web site DoliStore.com

    • Put the file into the root directory of Dolibarr.

    • Uncompress the zip file, for example with command

unzip module_timesheet-2.2.zip

  • Module is then available and can be activated.


