Ningún producto
Los precios se muestran con impuestos incluidos
Allows you to program different types...
El módulo Quick Invoicing de Dolibarr está diseñado para simplificar y...
Puntos de Lealtad de Dolibarr está diseñado para fortalecer la fidelidad...
The labeling module makes it possible to create configurable labels with barcode by unit for products and equipment, warehouses and customers for labelers by unit connected to a PC through wired or wireless communication but also for bluetooth labellers connectable to or integrated into a phone or PDA such as the Sunmi PDA.
This module allows to add a double authentication (Two-Factor) compatible with most unique key generators TOTP (Google Authenticator, Authy, etc ...) and U2F devices (usb key, fingerprints,...). Compatible with the Multicompany module.
Identify users by geographic location Replace the addresses of your PDF documents with the addresses of the site where you are connected. Management of warehouses by user group, company addresses, telephones etc. A "must-have" for companies with multiple points of sale.
Based on csv files, you can import, update or delete iems in your Dolibarr installation. Works for : Third parties, Contacts, Products, Stocks, Supplier prices, Actions. csv templates files and user manual included
• The dolibarr module "Quotation formatting" allows you to quickly and easily customize your quotes. • This module does not have multiple complex options to configure, it focuses on customizing the product title and associated description.
Con docusigner puedes firmar cualquier documento PDF del sistema, tambien podras mandar un enlace de firma a tu cliente o proveedor y establecer complejas reglas para configurar las posiciones de las firmas por cada uno de los documentos tipo.
Enter free text in offers and invoices. Select "Free text" from the drop-down menu and write as much text as needed. Price, VAT and unit of measure will be disabled. Make sure you enter a numeric value in the price field if units of measure are enabled, to avoid negative value errors. Use the cyan_libero and sponge_libero templates for the module to work...
Easy sync your dolibarr prod with a preprod one to make tests with all your data but in a sandbox (all config for mail and others modules are disabled).
This module allows you to upload your files quickly via the "Linked files" by a drag-and-drop system.
Defined Notes allows you to create templates for public/private notes, that you can reuse on your differents documents (proposal, invoice, order, shipping).
Gracias al módulo de control de calidad para Dolibarr, ahora es posible integrar la gestión de calidad en sus procesos Dolibarr.