Ningún producto
Los precios se muestran con impuestos incluidos
Allows you to program different types...
El módulo Quick Invoicing de Dolibarr está diseñado para simplificar y...
Puntos de Lealtad de Dolibarr está diseñado para fortalecer la fidelidad...
El módulo "Eventos Dolibarr" le permite organizar sus eventos que encuentran eco entre sus clientes. Una plataforma integral de gestión de eventos, capaz de manejar eventos de todo tipo y tamaño. Dolibarr Events abarca todas las facetas de la profesión de organización de eventos, desde la propia organización hasta la visibilidad y promoción.
Entering correct addresses made quick and easy: Based on the entry of post code (zip) or city name, the rest (post code, city name, canton and country) get proposed and auto-filled. Works in all address forms within Dolibarr. This module covers all post codes, cities and cantons of Switzerland and Liechtenstein.
Entering correct addresses made quick and easy: Based on the entry of post code (zip) or city name, the rest (post code, city name, federal state and country) get proposed and auto-filled. Works in all address forms within Dolibarr. This module covers all post codes, cities and federal states of Austria.
Entering correct addresses made quick and easy: Based on the entry of post code (zip) or city name, the rest (post code, city name, federal state and country) get proposed and auto-filled. Works in all address forms within Dolibarr. This module covers all post codes, cities and federal states of Germany.
MBI Automatic invoicing of models makes it possible to automatically generate invoices from invoice models with personalized mail sending, via a scheduled job (cron task).
Save time creating invoices, proposal and orders by importing selected lines from other quotes/orders/invoices !
Modify one-click thirdparties on a quote, an order, an invoice and / or a shipping page. You can change the custumers and suppliers in documents.
Change in one click all the selling prices and / or purchase prices of products linked to a supplier!
Statistiques Premium build quick graphics to help you having a quick look to your company health. Sells, Purchases, Margin, Stock...
Este módulo permite añadir líneas de comentario sin detalles (IVA, precio, etc.) en los presupuestos, pedidos y facturas a clientes. Es posible asociar/agrupar productos/servicios a los hitos y ver los subtotales.
Find in a table the follow-up of your turnover and your margin with comparison over the previous period. Report by entity, by month, week or day.
Gestión avanzada de inventario entre Dolibarr y Prestashop. Gestión fina de movimientos de stock entre Dolibarr y Prestashop.