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Allows you to program different types...
El módulo Quick Invoicing de Dolibarr está diseñado para simplificar y...
Puntos de Lealtad de Dolibarr está diseñado para fortalecer la fidelidad...
Área de módulos y plugins para añadir funcionalidades a Dolibarr ERP/CRM
The Project's Budget Report is a convenient way to track your budget for each project.
Improve your CRM system in Dolibarr by adding SMS notification functionality by installing MoceanAPI Send SMS
This module provides additional target formats for the export of the accounting ledger. In the current version, the accounting software Taxpool can be chosen as an additional target. You can import the data into Taxpool by choosing the exported file as an input file from within Taxpool. Column headers are chosen in a way that an auto-assignment can...
Third party timetable allows you to find out the opening hours of each Third Party entered.
This module allows you to connect to the Swiss UID Register when editing third parties from frontend. This module is NOT provided by the Swiss administration. Using UID Register API, you can: Quickly fill all available data using UID register on third party creation Easily update third party information if UID data are different from yours