Ningún producto
Los precios se muestran con impuestos incluidos
Allows you to program different types...
El módulo Quick Invoicing de Dolibarr está diseñado para simplificar y...
Puntos de Lealtad de Dolibarr está diseñado para fortalecer la fidelidad...
Área de módulos y plugins para añadir funcionalidades a Dolibarr ERP/CRM
This module allows to create a link between thirds, contacts, users and objects (propositions, projects, products,...), indicating what kind of relationship links these elements. Furthermore the module offers a dynamic display of various links with a lively sociogram.
This module for Dolibarr allows you to download a list in CSV from Dolibarr standard lists. Click on the green icon next to the name of your list and the file is ready !
Add automatically a legal notice on your customer invoices, and define in advance the criteria of application.
Don't waste time on searches anymore ! "Search everywhere" literally searches in all datas on Contacts, Thirds, events,...
Modify a value of your product or service with one click on invoices / orders / proposals ! With Quick Customer Price it's now possible to modify a unit price, a quantity or a discount without opening the edition of the line.
Find in a table the follow-up of your turnover and your margin with comparison over the previous period. Report by entity, by month, week or day.
This module allows you to add the necessary information (note, account number) on your invoices for customers who are at the factor.
Don't waste time searching for your recently opened items! This module will prevent you from getting lost in showing you the latest items come directly from the interface of Dolibarr.
Extiende la funcionalidad de Documents Permite la carga de documentos, pero estos pueden clasificarse en categorías y asociarse con etiquetas Cada documento es, en el momento de su creación, almacenado en el database y clasificado Incluye un motor de búsqueda, que permite filtros en la base de datos de documentos, y la posibilidad de operaciones masivas...
The commmissions module allow to manage commercial agents commissions; commissions are calculated on turnover or on margin and are based on orders, on invoices or on payments (full or partial). For Dolibarr v10 and more.
Autenticación de direcciones de aplicaciones de equipos de inventario de gestión de parques
Dolifence is a security module for Dolibarr. For the moment it take a snapshot of your file system and check it every day then send you an email in case of files corruptions. With 0.6 version fail2ban support is available: this module provides a filter and jail file to monitor your auth.log system log and ban this ip in case of multiple auth fail...