Informes o búsquedas Hay 107 productos.

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Mostrando 37 - 48 de 107 items
  • Bestdiscount
    49,00 €

    Do not choose to include your deposit in your invoice lines or display it at the bottom of the page! This module adds an invoice template where the account is displayed in addition to the balance to be paid. Your customers will have a better understanding of your invoices.

    49,00 €
  • List export / import
    49,19 €
    List export / import

    Export & import dolibarr list(s) with one click & in many formats.

    49,19 €
  • SaveMySearch (custom filters for Dolibarr lists)
    49,20 €
    SaveMySearch (custom filters for Dolibarr...

    The SaveMySearch module allows you to save, under a label of your choice, the parameters of your search in a Dolibarr list and to restore them at any time with a simple click. This is particularly useful if you have the impression that you are always looking for the same things on this or that list. It is presented in the form of a toolbar which is...

    49,20 €
  • Advenced list
    49,99 €
    Advenced list

    do your research with simplicity with as many criteria as you like

    49,99 €
  • QuickList 18.0.x - 20.0.x
    51,60 €
    QuickList 18.0.x - 20.0.x

    Quick List allows recording filters applied on your native lists to display them pre-filtrered in one click.

    51,60 €
  • Customer account statement 18.0.x - 20.0.x
    51,60 €
    Customer account statement 18.0.x - 20.0.x

    The additional module Easya Solutions / Dolibarr "Customer account statement" allows the creation of a report of a customer / supplier account in PDF/CSV format on defined dates. Remember at the end of the year, you often have customers who ask you to list the invoices in order to know the amount still to be paid. So it is this additional module that you...

    51,60 €
  • Document Tray
    51,60 €
    Document Tray

    The Easya Solutions / Dolibarr add-on module "Document tray" displays a preview of the documents stored online for quick entry on quotes, orders and invoices, customers and suppliers, contracts, etc. Once entered, the document can be sent directly to the attached files of the file.

    51,60 €
  • InfraSSearch
    54,00 €

    InfraS research brings many improvements to basic functions:Breadcrumb ; Exhaustive search including extra attributes (extrafields) in all types of items available ; a page dedicated to the presentation of the results ; direct links to the selected element whatever it is ; complete replacement of the standard tool for thorough ergonomics ; Etc…

    54,00 €
  • Pedidos atrasados
    54,00 €
    Pedidos atrasados

    Gestión de pedidos atrasados. Realice un seguimiento de los pedidos atrasados de sus clientes y proveedores. Vea la cantidad de pedidos atrasados en la lista de pedidos. Mostrar los detalles de los pedidos atrasados en una lista con capacidad de búsqueda y filtrado. Genere un pdf de productos en atrasados para el pedido de su cliente.

    54,00 €
  • Module Order Costs
    58,80 €
    Module Order Costs

    Este módulo calcula los costos de los productos en un pedido de un cliente y en el caso de un producto compuesto divide los costos de cada producto componente individual. Puede añadir campos adicionales para añadir costes implícitos que no están presentes en los productos del pedido.

    58,80 €
  • Easy Dashboard
    59,00 €
    Easy Dashboard

    Este modulo es un panel de control que permite mostrar las informaciones mas importantes para manejar su negocio (facturación, costos fijos, costos variables, ganancias...). Integra unos graficos que ayudan mucho la lectura de los datos.

    59,00 €
  • Supervision 3.6.x - 15.x.x
    59,99 €
    Supervision 3.6.x - 15.x.x

    Superviser les objets (Tiers, factures, commandes ...)

    59,99 €
Mostrando 37 - 48 de 107 items