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The “Automatic Notes V3” module automatically adds predefined notes to...
El módulo “Registro de Uso de Equipos” en Dolibarr permite el...
The Easya Solutions / Dolibarr add-on module "Woosync" is a multi-sites synchronization module between WooCommerce and Dolibarr. Easy to install and configure, a significant number of objects and directions are managed in real time. See detailed description for a list of features. Note : It's compatible with the multi-company module.
The Pix Brasil Module creates a print template for Dolibarr in the pdf files of sales invoices that allows you to print the PIX for payment in all banks in Brazil. Customers can receive invoices and pay them quickly on any device that accepts PIX as payment. PIX is a model of banking interaction through QRcode that allows you to carry out banking...
Integración de Productos, stock inicial, pedidos, clientes y deshabilitación de vinculación de productos. Configurar el stock de determinados almacenes Determinar el uso del precio de venta (Woo o Doli) en las órdenes de venta. Stock: Para actualizar stock con movimientos de ventas de Takepos u otros, debes tener permisos para ejecutar comandos en segundo...
This set of modules used to manage contacts subscriptions to publications, information and communication supports, and diffuse - by email or post - the different parutions through sending campaigns.
PLEASE DO NOT BUY, THIS MODULE IS COMING BACK SOON Genere e imprima archivos PDF personalizados Todos los tamaños de hoja: A4, A5, Avery, Dymo, Datamax, hoja de etiquetas, etiqueta en rollo, personalizada,... Documentos y etiquetas: Producto, Tercero, Contacto, Dirección, Almacén, ...