MBI Calls OVH 10.0.0 - 20.0.x



MBI Calls module allows to save in Dolibarr informations about your incoming and outgoing calls, using the OVH API. Phone numbers are synchronized with third parties and incoming calls can be "Unknown" or the name of the third party. Works only with the OVH VoIP service.

Más detalles

189,90 €


Module version: auto
Publisher/Licence: MB Informatique / AGPL
User interface language: English, French
Help/Support: [email protected]

  • Dolibarr min version: auto
  • Dolibarr max version: auto






MBI Calls module allows to save in Dolibarr informations about your incoming calls, using the OVH API. Phone numbers are synchronized with third parties and incoming calls can be "Unknown" or the name of the third party. Works only with the OVH VoIP service.


Demo : https://demo.mbicloud.fr


Installation and Usage

- Drop the folder ‘mbicalls’ in htdocs/custom or use the option ‘Deploy/Install external app/module’ in the list of modules. Activate the MBI Calls module which is now in the list of modules and change the module setup according to your needs. Don’t forget to activate module rights. An user who doesn’t have the rights to use it will not see datas.

- A dropdown is displayed at top right menu with a phone icon. In the dropdown is written the five last incoming calls with the caller number, his name if he exists in Dolibarr third parties with a link to his personnal page, date of call, a red phone icon if call is missed or green if not, and the duration of the call. The dropdown opens when an incoming call is detected and datas updates automatically in real-time. WARNING : The dropdown works only with the eldy theme.

- A button in the dropdown is displayed on unknown callers when we go the customer creation page. This button allow to fill the phone number input of the new third party with the phone number selected in the dropdown.

- A widget called ‘Calls History’ displays the same data that is in the dropdown.

- The setup page allows to save the OVH api token, required by the module, and allows to choose how many calls are displayed in the widget and to delete call history. Warning : This action is irreversible.

- If the clicktodial is activated with OVH via another module, it can be used too by clicking on a number in the dropdown or the widget.

- The module add a ‘Calls’ tab for each third party page. It shows the incoming calls of the third party with a pagination system and allows to sort calls by date.

- The module offers a script page that add the incoming calls to the database, even when Dolibarr is not open. However, this script page should stay open to work. This page is not required when Dolibarr is open in the web browser.

- MBI Calls add in home page a summary of incoming calls and missed calls in the last 24 hours. This functionality exists only from Dolibarr 11.0.0 version.

- The module allows to add a reason for each call and to add a recall notification. The module add a ‘Call Back Reminder’ widget that shows every notifications.

- You can create a reminder by choosing a date and the user that will see the reminder on the same modal window. You can add a reason without reminder and create a reminder without reason. In the ‘Call Back Reminder’ widget, the different colors represent the urgency of the callback.




Update 1.3.4 (04/10/2022) :

Dolibarr v16 compatibility.


Update 1.3.3 (31/03/2022) :

Dolibarr v15 compatibility.


Update 1.3 (07/02/2022) :

Contact's name is displayed instead of thirdparty's when it is possible.


Update 1.2.5 (21/01/2022) :

It is possible to create an event for each answered call (optional).


Update 1.2 (17/12/2020) :

The dropdown show a country flag for each call.


Update 1.1 (10/11/2020) : 

The module allows you to know if calls are incoming or outgoing and allows to link a Dolibarr user to a number and to see only some calls.



If every calls don’t opens the dropdown or calls datas are not saved, one solution is to install a CORS extension in your browser like Allow CORS : Access-Control-Allow-Origin or CORS Everywhere.



End-user License Agreement

The MBI Calls module is edited by MB Informatique SARL (SIRET : 83434236200029), whose head office is located at 120 Rue de l'Île Napoléon 68170 Rixheim - Tel. : 03 67 262 242.

This End-user License Agreement legally frame the use of the services of the MBI Calls module.

MB Informatique SARL declines all responsibility for any viruses that may infect the User's computer equipment after use or access to this module.

The total guarantee of data security, integrity and confidentiality, whatever it is, is not guaranteed by MB Informatique SARL.

The MBI Calls module can only be used with the OVH telephony service.

MB Informatique SARL cannot be held responsible for its use outside the legal framework.

This contract is valid for an indefinite period. The beginning of the use of the module's services marks the application of the contract with regard to the User.