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Tax converter module with calculator
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Module version: auto
Publisher/Licence: MB Informatique / GPL-v3
User interface language: English, French
Help/Support: [email protected]
End-user License Agreement
The MBI HT - TTC module is edited by MB Informatique SARL (SIRET: 83434236200029), whose head office is located at 120 Rue de l'Île Napoléon 68170 Rixheim - Tel. : 03 67 262 242. This End-user License Agreement legally frame the use of the services of the MBI HT -- TTC module.
MB Informatique SARL declines all responsibility for any viruses that may infect the User's computer equipment after use or access to this module.
The total guarantee of data security, integrity and confidentiality, whatever it is, is not guaranteed by MB Informatique SARL.
MB Informatique SARL cannot be held responsible for its use outside the legal framework.
This contract is valid for an indefinite period. The beginning of the use of the module's services marks the application of the contract with regard to the User.
Calculator icon by Icons8.