
  • massaction

    This module offers new mass actions: batch download of PDF documents as a zip archive, batch adding of recipients to a mailing list, batch assignment of a salesperson to third parties.

    108,00 €  ( 216€ )
  • Medical Center

    Módulo para gestionar una consulta médica

    67,20 €  (84€)

Nuevos productos

  • Mass Order Generation

    The “Mass order generation” module enables you to convert your sales proposals into mass orders. It enables you to transform several quotations into separate orders, or to combine several quotations from the same customer into a single order. Save precious time and optimize your sales management!

    90,00 €
  • FacturZen : Relance factures impayés automatique

    The FacturZen module for Dolibarr simplifies and automates the management of overdue invoice reminders. Whether via email or internal tasks, FacturZen helps you optimize your debt collection processes while maintaining full control over your actions.

    72,00 €



dolipdf make a connection to an external conversion webservice who transform your odt files to pdf

6,00 €

  • Autor CAP-REL
  • Versión del módulo 1.0.0
  • Fecha de lanzamiento 21/01/2025
  • Access to updates and downloads 365 días
  • Cómo contactar al soporte
  • Compatibilidad DolibarrV14 - V21
  • Última actualización 07/02/2025 14:23

Más información

Dolibarr can use odt as templates files but if you want to generate pdf from odt you have to install libreoffice on your server.

Most of users can't do that on their hosting plan.

That module make the job but you need an account to external dolipdf like webservice (but your preffered partner may have a dolipdf server too) !