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BankAccount2Doli is a module that enables, through regulatory standardization and open banking, the synchronization of bank accounts with Dolibarr.
Send proposals, orders, or invoices to your customers via Web WhatsApp or Telegram with just one click!
This web site is the official market place to find addons and plugins for the Dolibarr ERP CRM project.
You can search for additional features and find different modules or extensions. Browse the categories to find your extension or use the search form at the top of the page ...
Some extensions/modules are free, some are paid (Members of the Dolibarr foundation benefits a 20% discount if the request is made to the association once account has been created on DoliStore. Buying product must be done after the request has been processed to see the 20% discounts on all prices)
You can submit your own modules, you choose the price (free is better). For this, just create an account and submit your module from left menu.
2DoTaskList module allows creation of tasks (todos) integred with Dolibarr, making use of internal users and projects while providing organization and supervision of day-to-day work activities
The **More Lines Infos** module simplifies document management in Dolibarr by adding practical tools to organize and track the processing of document lines. It also provides relevant information on the lines to save you time.
All your users can use AI from various providers at minimal cost (chatGPT, Perplexity, Claude, FLUX), paying only for API consumption. You can configure providers, AI models, usage limits, and permissions per user. Maintain a complete history of all AI interactions within Dolibarr. IMASDEWEB.
Get a visual of the tasks to be done by shift! This module offers the possibility to have a suitable visual tasks to be performed per user, per order or per workstation. It can for example be displayed in your workshop.<
This module allows you to automatically generate a complete commercial offer, by compiling the various attached PDF documents and the estimate itself. You can also add a summary, your Terms Of Sale and present everything with a graphic charter applied to all pages.
Cumple con la Ley Antifraude de España con Total Garantía y prepara tu Dolibarr para la integración con Veryfactu
DoliMed is a module to manage a medical center. Patients, consultations, alerts, documents, ...
Simply create, register and use packages that combine multiple products and / or services. Save valuable time: add (and modify if necessary) in one click your package of products / services in proposals, orders, invoices, ... Module compatible with Multilanguage Dolibarr
The financial planning module allows you to predict the financial availability of your company in the short and medium term, based on future data on receipts and expenses (orders and deadlines of customers / suppliers, taxes, salaries, ....) and forecast data entered manually. The results can be exported in a spreadsheet and / or analyzed with graphs.
The module substantially improves the management of shipments, introducing the following possibilities: - enter new shipments directly, overcoming the need to switch from the sales order - complete management of lines (similar to all other documents) - possibility of sending material to suppliers (returns, ...) - material transfer between 2 warehouses (third party warehouse, ...)
Leave To Agenda adds users' approved leaves in the agenda. If the leave is cancelled or disapproved, it is deleted from the agenda