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Allows you to program different types...
Il modulo Quick Invoicing di Dolibarr è progettato per semplificare e...
This module permits you to create legally valid digital signed PDF documents against service
MBI ETransactions module allows you to use Crédit Agricole E-Transactions secure online payment solution.
MBI Monetico module allows you to use CIC and Crédit Mutuel Monetico secure online payment solution.
With 2Rewards module, you can reward your customers with a simple program points, where for every purchase they make, your customers will receive a number of points, which at any time will be able to redeem their purchases.
This module allows you to receive in Dolibarr Prospects or Leads in a simple way from WebHooks through API REST. Easy to configure with WordPress, Zapier, or any other platform capable to send HTTP POST requests.
The 42 Library module allows you to add a PDF template for sales proposals.
• The dolibarr module "Quotation formatting" allows you to quickly and easily customize your quotes. • This module does not have multiple complex options to configure, it focuses on customizing the product title and associated description.
Le module Relance Facture Globale permet d’envoyer une notification par e-mail, depuis la fiche d’un tiers, des factures en retard impayées. Il est possible de personnaliser l’objet et le contenu du mail de notification via la page de configuration du module.
The Tracking Plus module lets you create license or product renewal tracking lists for customers, with a link to the license or product supplier.
The module tracks product renewals for supplier Athena GS, which sends a monthly list of products to be renewed for each customer. The module can be used to create e-mail requests for quotations from the supplier, and to create quotations for customers.
Save time by generating your invoices in bulk more efficiently. Choose to issue one or multiple invoices per client and generate them in just a few clicks from billable quotes or orders.