
Moduli per l'integrazione con altri sistemi software

Integrazione Ci sono 191 prodotti.

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Mostrando 145 - 156 di 191 articoli
  • Doli-Nextcloud
    150,00 €

    Allows to link your Nextcloud account to Dolibarr.

    150,00 €
  • Modulo KanView TeamView per Dolibarr V4 -
    168,00 €
    Modulo KanView TeamView per Dolibarr V4 -

    Il modulo TeamView V4 implementa la rappresentazione Kanban per gli oggetti Dolibarr. il modulo si presenta sotto forma di un sistema di gestione del processo visivo che indica cosa produrre, quando produrlo e in quale quantità, inoltre consente di visualizzare l'evoluzione dello stato degli oggetti in modo chiaro e intuitivo. Gli stati sono rappresentati...

    168,00 €
  • Two-Factor Authentication 8.0 - 19.0
    168,00 €
    Two-Factor Authentication 8.0 - 19.0

    This module allows to add a double authentication (Two-Factor) compatible with most unique key generators TOTP (Google Authenticator, Authy, etc ...) and U2F devices (usb key, fingerprints,...). Compatible with the Multicompany module.

    168,00 €
  • Connector for Mobilid Mobile app
    177,60 €
    Connector for Mobilid Mobile app

    Utilizzate Dolibarr nel vostro magazzino: moltiplicate la vostra produttività. Mobilid può fare gestione delle scorte, allestimento ordini, ricezione ordini, creazione ordini e molto altro ancora. Il tutto su un terminale con codice a barre o altro dispositivo mobile Android collegato a Dolibarr. Eliminare gli errori di magazzino ed eliminare le perdite...

    177,60 €
  • Traitements de masse imports mises à jour
    178,80 €
    Traitements de masse imports mises à jour

    A partir de fichiers csv, vous pouvez effectuer des imports, des mise à jour ou des suppression en masse dans Dolibarr. Convient pour le traitement de listes de Tiers, Contacts, Produits, Stocks, Prix fournisseurs, Actions Les modèles de fichiers csv et un manuel d'utilisation sont inclus

    178,80 €
  • Multi attività e punti vendita 3.6.x - 17.x.x
    178,80 €
    Multi attività e punti vendita 3.6.x - 17.x.x

    Identify users by geographic location Replace the addresses of your PDF documents with the addresses of the site where you are connected. Management of warehouses by user group, company addresses, telephones etc. A "must-have" for companies with multiple points of sale.

    178,80 €
  • DoliEsign 8.0 - 17.0
    180,00 €
    DoliEsign 8.0 - 17.0

    This module permits you to create legally valid digital signed PDF document. With the DoiEsign module you can have your commercial documents digital signed by your contacts. The documents will be signed by either the Yousign (c) signing services or the Universign signing services. Yousign and Universign will deliver legally valid signed documents.

    180,00 €
  • Quotation formatting
    180,00 €
    Quotation formatting

    • The dolibarr module "Quotation formatting" allows you to quickly and easily customize your quotes. • This module does not have multiple complex options to configure, it focuses on customizing the product title and associated description.

    180,00 €
  • Peppol XML - facture electronique
    180,00 €
    Peppol XML - facture electronique

    (from wikipedia : PEPPOL (Pan-European Public Procurement Online) is a set of specifications maintained by the OpenPEPPOL non-profit organisation with the aim of standardizing cross-border, electronically supported procurement procedures. It features, among other things, electronic invoicing. With that plugin your...

    180,00 €
  • SumUp payment
    180,00 €
    SumUp payment

    SumUp supports more than 3.5 million merchants in over 30 markets worldwide, and operates a product suite of tailor-made business tools created specifically for the micro and nano segment (Source: wikipédia) That module allow you to enable your sumup account into Dolibarr.

    180,00 €
  • BarcodeReader - Lettore di codici a barre ottico per Android
    180,00 €
    BarcodeReader - Lettore di codici a barre...

    BarcodeReader est l'outil ultime pour simplifier la gestion des codes-barres dans l'ERP Dolibarr. Notre application Android utilise la caméra de votre téléphone pour un balayage rapide et précis des codes-barres, optimisant ainsi l'efficacité de votre processus de gestion des stocks.

    180,00 €
  • docusigner
    180,00 €

    With docusigner you can sign any PDF document in the system, you can also send a signature link to your client or supplier and establish complex rules to configure the positions of the signatures for each of the standard documents.

    180,00 €
Mostrando 145 - 156 di 191 articoli