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Allows you to program different types...
Il modulo Quick Invoicing di Dolibarr è progettato per semplificare e...
Moduli per l'integrazione con altri sistemi software
Module allowing to force the filling of the customer ref on the proposal and/or the order and/or the invoice, force the filling of the supplier ref on the order
Permette di aggregare e analizzare i dati dei margini commerciali dei degli ordini e delle fatture emesse verso i clienti. E' possibile effettuare una serie di filtri ed esportare i risultati su di un foglio di calcolo.
• The dolibarr module "Quotation formatting" allows you to quickly and easily customize your quotes. • This module does not have multiple complex options to configure, it focuses on customizing the product title and associated description.
The Dolimigration tool aims to help you getting your Dolibarr application installation from the Windows system on to GNU/Linux by creating a Debian package ready to install on Ubuntu or Debian compatible systems.
Outlook (&Co) consentono di inviare fatture e preventivi (link web) utilizzando Microsoft Outlook o altri software di mailing senza impostazioni, problemi di sincronizzazione.. E 'possibile anche creare .ics file per mettere gli appuntamenti di riempimento automatico in Outlook o altri software di calendario esterno.
Increase the productivity of your staff, execute tasks without wasting time searching manually. This module adds valuable functionality to Dolibarr, allowing us to quickly and efficiently access transactions similar to the model used in SAP. By simply pressing the CTRL or ALT keys together with a specific letter or by typing a few letters followed by the...
Print your TakePOS orders with only the necessary lines and units, add comments for each product and generate a receipt with the necessary information: ✓ Serving user, ✓ Place or Table to which the order belongs, ✓ Date and Time, ✓ Additional comments or notes per article ✓ Just simple!
MBI Sync Google allows you to add and update your Dolibarr thirdparties and contacts in your Google contacts. A Google account can be synchronized for each Dolibarr user. The module allows you to choose for each account whether it synchronizes all the thirdparties and contacts or only those for which the user is assigned as a sales representative.
Module assurant la gestion des appels entrant et sortant, avec historique dans les fiches client, popup d'alerte lors d'appel entrant avec liens vers la fiche tiers/contact correspondant. support des api tiers de voip (asterisk, ovh, keyyo).
Quick List allows recording filters applied on your native lists to display them pre-filtrered in one click.
InfraS research brings many improvements to basic functions:Breadcrumb ; Exhaustive search including extra attributes (extrafields) in all types of items available ; a page dedicated to the presentation of the results ; direct links to the selected element whatever it is ; complete replacement of the standard tool for thorough ergonomics ; Etc…
Capture the attention of your client, sell more while they pay you. Customer Display allows you to take an additional look at what you offer to your customers. Show the customer what he buys, the quantities, discounts and prices, set up advertising for your business, generate trust and interest.