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The “Automatic Notes V3” module automatically adds predefined notes to...
“Scheda di Rilevazione del Materiale” in Dolibarr consente il...
Dolibarr offers an Electronic Document Management system (EDM). These documents are uploaded by users to the server's file system. Some documents, such as invoices, are generated and stored within the EDM. The docDB module allows storing the documents in the database instead of using the server's file system.
The webObserver module is a monitoring module to be used in conjunction with the WebHost module. Sends status information from a Dolibarr client instance to the corresponding WebHost card. View information on installed/deactivated modules, etc. This module requires the purchase of the WEBOST module. Not to be used alone.
Recherche d'entreprises Françaises. "API Recherche d'entreprises" est une des APIs du service public. Rechercher une entreprise française, par sa dénomination, ou son adresse. Sources Insee - - Sirene - INPI
The Advanced Permissions module, allows you to manage and assign permissions by action button.
With that module you can now apply a default customer reference on all your invoices made from template
This module add a combo box to select which bank account to use to show into PDF (when you need to show bank account information onto PDF invoice)