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Allows you to program different types...
Il modulo Quick Invoicing di Dolibarr è progettato per semplificare e...
Sezione dei moduli e plugin per aggiungere funzionalità a Dolibarr ERP/CRM
Moduli per la gestione del personale e delle risorse umane
Fattture - Contabilità
Moduli per l'integrazione con altri sistemi software
Gestione progetti e sistemi collaborativi
Funzioni di reportistica e ricerca avanzata
Moduli che modificano il funzionamento dell'interfaccia grafica. Per le modifiche estetiche vedi Temi e template.
Temporarily reserve in stock the products of an order and recover them once it has been validated. Just define a conservation warehouse (closed), a block appears on the order to make reservations / releases
This module allows you to define percentage discounts on propals, orders, invoices. You can affect the document within three ways : all product or service lines, or second or third discount on bottom of document.
This module allows you to define percentage discounts on propals, orders, invoices. You can affect the document within three ways : all product or service lines, or second or third discount on bottom of document.
Simplifie le calcul des remises globale au niveau des pièces de dolibarr (propal, commande, facture) en répartissant la remise globale (en %, TTC ou HT) en remise sur les lignes détaillées
MoreDesc aggiunge la possibilità di completare o sostituire la descrizione di un prodotto in base a una terza parte specifica e una serie di documenti (stima, ordine, fattura cliente e fornitore).
Do not choose to include your deposit in your invoice lines or display it at the bottom of the page! This module adds an invoice template where the account is displayed in addition to the balance to be paid. Your customers will have a better understanding of your invoices.
Do not choose to include your deposit in your invoice lines or display it at the bottom of the page! This module adds an invoice template where the account is displayed in addition to the balance to be paid. Your customers will have a better understanding of your invoices.
Do not choose to include your deposit in your invoice lines or display it at the bottom of the page! This module adds an invoice template where the account is displayed in addition to the balance to be paid. Your customers will have a better understanding of your invoices.
Do not choose to include your deposit in your invoice lines or display it at the bottom of the page! This module adds an invoice template where the account is displayed in addition to the balance to be paid. Your customers will have a better understanding of your invoices.
The module includes a payment receipt document model with parameterizing functions
Widget that helps you remember your third party's birthday, congratulate them on time and create more than a business relationship.
Simple set of Dashboards displaying Todays takings (Auto refresh) Revenue over a given period Product Dashboard for a given period