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Allows you to program different types...
Il modulo Quick Invoicing di Dolibarr è progettato per semplificare e...
Sezione dei moduli e plugin per aggiungere funzionalità a Dolibarr ERP/CRM
Moduli per la gestione del personale e delle risorse umane
Fattture - Contabilità
Moduli per l'integrazione con altri sistemi software
Gestione progetti e sistemi collaborativi
Funzioni di reportistica e ricerca avanzata
Moduli che modificano il funzionamento dell'interfaccia grafica. Per le modifiche estetiche vedi Temi e template.
Training courses and authorisations module allows to create training courses characteristics, to create for each users all the training course done by dates, to add documents on training courses, to generate a PDF with the list of training courses for each user, to send notification by email when a training course need to be renewed...
Allows you to create products or services directly in the Sales Proposals, Sales Orders and Invoices interface.
Doli Dummy Data is a very handy tool, that can in a matter of seconds to create thousands of records for Customers, Suppliers, Contacts, Products, Customer proposal/order/invoice and Supplier proposal/order/invoice. Module is tested from Dolibarr v17.0.4 up to v20.0.1
The Dolibarr Task to Agenda add-on module allows automated creation of events from tasks
The Dolibarr Extended mail add-on module allows the choice of internal users in email recipients
The add-on module Easya / Dolibarr "Hide/show margin" allows to hide or show margin blocks and columns in (your choice) commercial proposals / orders / invoices. You are connected to your favorite ERP and you do not want your customer, present, to have a discreet glance on the sensitive information that are the margins? No risk!
The Easya Solutions / Dolibarr "Prospecting Map" add-on module is a display module on a map of third parties. It also allows you to locate a third party on a map, directly from its card.
Do not choose to include your deposit in your invoice lines or display it at the bottom of the page! This module adds an invoice template where the account is displayed in addition to the balance to be paid. Your customers will have a better understanding of your invoices.
ADDINVENTORY offre una soluzione efficiente per aggiornare rapidamente le quantità e i prezzi dei vostri prodotti, inclusi lotti e serie.
Le module facilite la gestion d'une micro-entreprise en proposant les fonctionnalités suivantes: - Générer le Livre des recettes par jour, semaine, mois ou année. - Générer le Registre des dépenses par jour, semaine, mois ou année.
This module allows you to very quickly print or save in PDF format the third party informations. You can choose to print name, code, address, phone number, fax, email address, website, siren, siret, naf-ape, rcs / rm, vat number, extrafields, and public and private notes.
MBI Avis Client module allows you to ask your customers for a review by email with your links (Google, Facebook, Trustpilot...) after sending an invoice. A popup is displayed after clicking on "Send mail" on the invoice page and allows you to choose whether or not to send the request.