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I prezzi sono IVA inclusa
Allows you to program different types...
Il modulo Quick Invoicing di Dolibarr è progettato per semplificare e...
Sezione dei moduli e plugin per aggiungere funzionalità a Dolibarr ERP/CRM
Moduli per la gestione del personale e delle risorse umane
Fattture - Contabilità
Moduli per l'integrazione con altri sistemi software
Gestione progetti e sistemi collaborativi
Funzioni di reportistica e ricerca avanzata
Moduli che modificano il funzionamento dell'interfaccia grafica. Per le modifiche estetiche vedi Temi e template.
Modulo per stampare direttamente sulla stampante. Compatibile con un'installazione Dolibarr nel cloud. È necessario installare il connettore incluso sul computer.
Permet l'ajout automatique de lignes finales aux propales, commandes et factures lors de l'ajout ou la modification d'une ligne. Il peut gérer plusieurs lignes à ajouter, en fonction de produits ou services définis ensemble ou indépendamment. Particulièrement adapté pour l'automatisation du calcul et de l'ajout de lignes telles que les taxes carbones, les...
Module for exporting shipments including batches / series
You have to make the same invoice to 200 customers ? That plugin is the solution, please do your first invoice then select all others customers you want to apply that invoice.
Do not choose to include your deposit in your invoice lines or display it at the bottom of the page! This module adds an invoice template where the account is displayed in addition to the balance to be paid. Your customers will have a better understanding of your invoices.
Increase the productivity of your staff, execute tasks without wasting time searching manually. This module adds valuable functionality to Dolibarr, allowing us to quickly and efficiently access transactions similar to the model used in SAP. By simply pressing the CTRL or ALT keys together with a specific letter or by typing a few letters followed by the...
Print your TakePOS orders with only the necessary lines and units, add comments for each product and generate a receipt with the necessary information: ✓ Serving user, ✓ Place or Table to which the order belongs, ✓ Date and Time, ✓ Additional comments or notes per article ✓ Just simple!
The Abbes menu manager is a tool for an efficient navigation through Dolibarr menus. The version 16 enables saving and loading of menu configurations. Eight configurable options are also available in this version. Video ( English) : Demo : Login and password :demo
The Warranty is a simple tool that adds an extrafield "Warranty" in your product card. This extrafield is displayable in your quotes, orders, bills, and their associated PDF documents.
Aggiungi automaticamente documenti di prodotto, documenti collegati e documenti principali di budget, ordini, fatture e bolle di consegna quando invii un'email.
Genera una tabella PDF del resto dovuto dai clienti. Visualizza l'importo dovuto dai clienti sulla schermata principale di Dolibarr Demo: Supporto tecnico: [email protected]
This module allows you to search for contacts and companies very quickly. Simply type into the new input field and select one of the entries found using Autocomplete. More infos can be found here: Demo-Version is here: