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Allows you to program different types...
Il modulo Quick Invoicing di Dolibarr è progettato per semplificare e...
Sezione dei moduli e plugin per aggiungere funzionalità a Dolibarr ERP/CRM
Moduli per la gestione del personale e delle risorse umane
Fattture - Contabilità
Moduli per l'integrazione con altri sistemi software
Gestione progetti e sistemi collaborativi
Funzioni di reportistica e ricerca avanzata
Moduli che modificano il funzionamento dell'interfaccia grafica. Per le modifiche estetiche vedi Temi e template.
Send yours emails with Microsoft Graph api, sync your private contacts and events
El módulo 2DoTaskList autorizza la creazione di tareas pendientes integradas con Dolibarr, haciendo uso di utenti di uso interno e progetti al mism tiempo que proporciona organizzazione e controllo delle attività commerciali in un giorno e l'altro
With this module you can easily create reminders for invoices that are due. In the menu there is now also the menu item "Reminders", here you have an overview of all invoices that have already reached or exceeded the due date and can act directly. The module also contains ready-made e-mail templates for the respective reminder.
Module adding a tab to a project card to manage tasks via a scrum board. Included features to update easily task progress (percentage, progress, etc.) !!! New in version V2 : add / delete, rename, activate / deactivate column; sprint management; link between the task and its original object.
The Easya Solutions / Dolibarr add-on module "Woosync" is a multi-sites synchronization module between WooCommerce and Dolibarr. Easy to install and configure, a significant number of objects and directions are managed in real time. See detailed description for a list of features. Note : It's compatible with the multi-company module.
Adds the ability to perform electronic invoices according to the regulations Argentina . Minimal modifications to the CORE. Any cuestion [email protected]
EL módulo de CFDI permite la generación del Comprobante Fiscal Digital por Internet, fue creado por Quantumbit una empresa 100% mexicana de consultoría en tecnologías de información, especializada en el desarrollo de aplicaciones y soluciones de negocio para medianas y grandes empresas en diversos sectores, industrias y servicios de gobierno.
The Pix Brasil Module creates a print template for Dolibarr in the pdf files of sales invoices that allows you to print the PIX for payment in all banks in Brazil. Customers can receive invoices and pay them quickly on any device that accepts PIX as payment. PIX is a model of banking interaction through QRcode that allows you to carry out banking...
InternalStockTransfers incorporate a workflow and document support to manage stock requests between corporate warehouses. Can work with batched and non batched products, and could be integrated with the ExpeditionPallets module. It also include a warehouse permission management module.
The module retrieves TD SYNNEX supplier invoices and imports them into Dolibarr. An Auth code from the Data Pack is required to run the module. This access must be requested from TD SYNNEX. The module will make the link between the invoice and the supplier order if one exists (the supplier reference must be entered in the order).
Integration of Products, initial stock, orders, customers and disable product linking. Configure the stock of certain warehouses Determine the use of sales price (Woo or Doli) in sales orders. Stock: To update stock with sales movements from Takepos or others, you must have permissions to execute commands in the background on your hosting or server.
The CMMS (Computerised Maintenance Management System) module is an essential, automated, simple and high-performance tool for optimising the management of your equipment and your operations. Thanks to its intuitive interface, you can plan, monitor and analyse all your maintenance operations. Extend the life of your assets and improve the productivity of...