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Allows you to program different types...
Il modulo Quick Invoicing di Dolibarr è progettato per semplificare e...
Sezione dei moduli e plugin per aggiungere funzionalità a Dolibarr ERP/CRM
Moduli per la gestione del personale e delle risorse umane
Fattture - Contabilità
Moduli per l'integrazione con altri sistemi software
Gestione progetti e sistemi collaborativi
Funzioni di reportistica e ricerca avanzata
Moduli che modificano il funzionamento dell'interfaccia grafica. Per le modifiche estetiche vedi Temi e template.
Import all paycheck of your employees directly in Dolibarr with the same process as scaninvoices!
This plugin allows you to set up a store front in which to display publicly the products in your Dolibarr. It is not an e-commerce plugin. It is mainly intended for organizations with a physical point of sale, simply wishing to make the content of their stock public. It creates a public page (no Dolibarr authentication required) that you can use as is...
Recherche d'entreprises Françaises. "API Recherche d'entreprises" est une des APIs du service public. Rechercher une entreprise française, par sa dénomination, ou son adresse. Sources Insee - - Sirene - INPI
Sales team will not like to clutter their list of Customer & Prospects with this list or dump of suspects, hence they prefer to keep the list of suspects separately. To resolve this practical challenge faced by Sales team we have come up with this Pre-Opportunity module.
With this module you can have a sort of "direct print" alternative : each PDF file will have a new print icon wich run download-and-file-print request in one clic...
The Ods2Csv companion : allows you to automate the sending of csv files to an FTP server (logistic,...).
Funzione principale: facilitare la ricerca nei forum della comunità Dolibarr (nei forum francese, inglese e tedesco) dalla casella di ricerca interna di Dolibarr. IMASDEWEB. 99% FREE.
Aggiungi 3 grafici a barre nella sezione Statistiche delle fatture clienti e fornitori, con numeri ANNUALI nelle seguenti metriche: numero di fatture, somma degli importi e importo medio. IMASDEWEB. 99% FREE.
The Advanced Permissions module, allows you to manage and assign permissions by action button.
The module allows shipments and invoices to be locked. For shipments, the non-authorized user cannot ship a quantity greater than that ordered. For invoices, the non-authorized user cannot create more than one invoice on shipments, and more than one invoice on orders.
With that module you can now apply a default customer reference on all your invoices made from template
TODO List based only on dolibarr objects : projects and tasks. Create a new tag of projects for your todolist and that's all.