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The “Automatic Notes V3” module automatically adds predefined notes to...
“Scheda di Rilevazione del Materiale” in Dolibarr consente il...
Moduli che modificano il funzionamento dell'interfaccia grafica. Per le modifiche estetiche vedi Temi e template.
Module allowing to force the filling of the customer ref on the proposal and/or the order and/or the invoice, force the filling of the supplier ref on the order
The dolibarr margin display module allows you to show/hide margins on quotes with a button.
The dolibarr margin display module allows you to show/hide margins on quotes with a button.
Company Infos set visible private notes and categories of thirdparties in the banner of their quotes, orders, invoices, contracts and tickets.
Outlook (&Co) consentono di inviare fatture e preventivi (link web) utilizzando Microsoft Outlook o altri software di mailing senza impostazioni, problemi di sincronizzazione.. E 'possibile anche creare .ics file per mettere gli appuntamenti di riempimento automatico in Outlook o altri software di calendario esterno.
Print your TakePOS orders with only the necessary lines and units, add comments for each product and generate a receipt with the necessary information: ✓ Serving user, ✓ Place or Table to which the order belongs, ✓ Date and Time, ✓ Additional comments or notes per article ✓ Just simple!
This module allows you to search for contacts and companies very quickly. Simply type into the new input field and select one of the entries found using Autocomplete. More infos can be found here: Demo-Version is here:
The MBI Real-Time module offers a dashboard of the invoiced turnover excluding VAT for the day, updated in real-time, including statistics such as the turnover for the week, month and year, in comparison to the last periods.
Introducing "MBI Fil d'Ariane," the must-have module for seamless navigation in your ERP. Benefit from a clear and precise breadcrumb trail that guides you through each step, from the home page to specific sections. Say goodbye to getting lost and gain efficiency. Customize your experience to suit your preferences.
Quick edition/modification of business documents lines to modify description, unit price, VAT, quantity, reduction and VAT. adds a check box to delete lines. includes a tool to import content of business document lines from a .csv file.
Quick List allows recording filters applied on your native lists to display them pre-filtrered in one click.
questo modulo migliora la gestione delle connessioni dei principali elementi di Dolibarr I migliori elementi del collegamento tra la gestione Aggiunta di tag a elementi del gruppo e recuperare Contatti e degli utenti associabili ad altri terzi Ripartizione delle fatture fornitori in bollette dei clienti