Module description
The module allows to define the export model to be automatically created, to define the periodicity and the recipients of the email that will be sent. It is based on the export function, native of Dolibarr...
The module will automatically create the parameterized exports, according to the registered periodicity, and send this export by email to the specified recipients, according to the registered email template...
The module allows to manage the sending frequency of the exports and thus to use the same request every month, every day...
Example, for a monthly periodicity, any sending in the month of March, will take the data of the past month, namely February - for a weekly periodicity, the data of the last week...
The module lets you define the export model to be automatically generated, and define the periodicity and recipients of the email to be sent. It is based on Dolibarr's native export function.
The module will automatically create the configured exports, according to the recorded periodicity, and send this export by email to the specified recipients, according to the recorded email template.
The module allows you to manage the frequency with which exports are sent, so you can use the same request every month, every day....
For example, for a monthly frequency, any export sent in March will use data from the previous month, i.e. February - for a weekly frequency, data from the previous week...