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Automatic translate your products & services database into other languages thanks to deepL (or other to become)
A true Swiss knife for customizing your documents (orders, shipments, invoices with LCR, intervention forms, projects, proposals, supplier orders and invoices...). The module's administration allows you to manage your personal graphic charter as well as numerous settings.
This module brings a layer of ergonomics and features missing in the standard Dolibarr human resources management module, such as the facility to create absence requests from the employee schedule, the addition of automatic VAT rates, the integration of the km scale on the tranche 1 and of google maps.
Module version: auto
Publisher/Licence: Maxime Kohlhaas / GPL-v3
User interface language: English
Help/Support: None / Forum / Mail to
Install (For Dolibarr v9+:
Install (For Dolibarr v8-):