
  • massaction

    This module offers new mass actions: batch download of PDF documents as a zip archive, batch adding of recipients to a mailing list, batch assignment of a salesperson to third parties.

    108.00 €  ( 216€ )
  • Advanced Professional Gantt Dolibarr

    Would you like to see your project evolve in an efficient and structured way? The Gantt Professional Advanced Module allows you to manage all your projects in one place, without the need to use Gantt Project. We believe that you can effectively manage your projects with the right tools in place, and the Gantt Professional Advanced Module is one of them.

    360.00 €  ( 720€ )

New products

  • FacturZen : Relance factures impayés automatique

    The FacturZen module for Dolibarr simplifies and automates the management of overdue invoice reminders. Whether via email or internal tasks, FacturZen helps you optimize your debt collection processes while maintaining full control over your actions.

    72.00 €
  • Show Tags On Lists

    Show tags/categories on Dolibarr lists.

    12.00 €

This web site is the official market place to find addons and plugins for the Dolibarr ERP CRM project.

  • If you are a Dolibarr user:

You can search for additional features and find different modules or extensions. Browse the categories to find your extension or use the search form at the top of the page ...

Some extensions/modules are free, some are paid (Members of the Dolibarr foundation benefits a 20% discount if the request is made to the association once account has been created on DoliStore. Buying product must be done after the request has been processed to see the 20% discounts on all prices)

  • If you are a developer :

You can submit your own modules, you choose the price (free is better). For this, just create an account and submit your module from left menu.

  • V16 - V20
    18.00 €
    Matchr: Recruitment and resource selections

    Module dedicated to human resource recruitment and selection of qualified individuals for carrying a stain or intervention

    18.00 €
  • V16 - V20
    12.00 €
    DoliTweak: Optimization and Customization of Dolibarr

    This module brings together a set of Dolibarr optimization and customization features. - Optimization of the interface in a mobility situation - Showing a percentage discount on parts - conservation of stocks shipped by customer - and many more

    12.00 €
  • New
    V18 - V21
    60.00 €

    Automatic translate your products & services database into other languages thanks to online translations tools

    60.00 €
  • 17 - 21
    60.00 €

    Add interfaces or synchronize Google Calendar, Google contact, Maps, Analytics and Adsense into your Dolibarr : Add new tab called "Google Agenda" to show contents of Google agendas. Can synchronize events and contacts with Google Calendar and contacts. Localize addresses into Google maps, show all customers, contacts or members on a map, ... Compatible with GMail or Google Apps for Works

    60.00 €
  • V7 - V20
    52.80 €
    SoleilSign (Electronic Signature for Dolibarr Interventions)

    The SoleilSign module for Dolibarr adds a pdf printing template to Interventions module for electronically signing the generated pdf, thereby shortening the print/sign/scan cycle. Usage example: - Your Intervening comes to your customer for an intervention. - When the work is finished, the Intervening and the Customer can sign the Intervention card directly on the screen, thanks to SoleilSign.

    52.80 €
  • V14 - V20
    300.00 €
    Electronic Proof Of Delivery with SmartLivraisons

    electronic Proof Of Delivery is a big problem for dolibarr companies. SmartLivraison is a tool used by your delivery man from their smartphone to collect the proof of electronic delivery.

    300.00 €
  • 3 - 20
    72.00 €

    The auto/microbusiness module calculates for you the turnover collected on the products and services to be declared for the payment of charges. It also makes an estimate of the amount of accrued expenses.

    72.00 €
  • 10 - 20
    49.90 €
    MBI Real-Time

    The MBI Real-Time module offers a dashboard of the invoiced turnover excluding VAT for the day, updated in real-time, including statistics such as the turnover for the week, month and year, in comparison to the last periods.

    49.90 €
  • V12 - V20
    66.00 €
    TakePOS Customer Display

    Capture the attention of your client, sell more while they pay you. Customer Display allows you to take an additional look at what you offer to your customers. Show the customer what he buys, the quantities, discounts and prices, set up advertising for your business, generate trust and interest.

    66.00 €
  • 16 - 20
    900.00 €
    Cash Flow Management

    Monitor your company's cash flow and financial performance in real time! The module provides you with reports on current, future and projected sales figures. It features current, future and projected Intermediate Balance based on custom accounting groups, as well as insights into your current and future cash flow.

    900.00 €
  • V8 - V20
    70.80 €
    Receipt order line

    Manage your order priorities more easily by allowing all lines of your supplier orders to be received.

    70.80 €
  • 10 - 20
    450.00 €

    2DoTaskList module allows creation of tasks (todos) integred with Dolibarr, making use of internal users and projects while providing organization and supervision of day-to-day work activities

    450.00 €