Allows you to program different types...
Human Relantionship management
This module V4 allows you to measure the working time of your employees in a simple and effective way. Thanks to our Employee Presence module, managers and the HR department will have the opportunity to better forecast the working time of their team and keep an overview and control over the services of its employees, namely: advancements, delays on some...
The module "Transfer order: Supplier Invoices / Employee salary 11.0" V4 allows you to generate a file in standardized .pdf format in order to transmit transfer orders to your bank to settle your supplier invoices as well as salary transfer orders from your employees.
DoliMed is a module to manage a medical center. Patients, consultations, alerts, documents, ...
The 2Comments module allows internal communication between the users of the Dolibarr management system, and also external communication over external system users (clients).
"Employee Documents" is a useful tool that can help you store and manage employee-related documents such as certificates, appraisals, passports, licenses, and more. The app also allows you to set an alert message when you expire / at any other related date.
The Module of: "Online Approvals Management for Dolibarr" V2 allows you to: Choose who decides Each request has their approvers. Select the person who needs to approve each request, even if it’s not the manager. Do you need the accountant’s and manager’s approvals? You can decide to request both for any type of approval.
This module is designed to facilitate your organization and internal management, your employees will be able to record the hours spent working for your clients, your projects, your project tasks, your proposal and your customer orders. You can also download in Excel format, all the time assigned per month for an employee.
À l'aide des informations pré-remplies, générer vos attestations fiscales pour un client ou simplifiez vous la vie en générant en masse toutes vos attestations pour une année donnée disponible sous format zip ou sous format pdf. Vous pourrez également utiliser le module d'emailing pour envoyer vos attestations fiscales en masse.
This module allows you to optimize internal communication in your company. Assigned a ticket to your colleague to explain your needs. You will also be able to create your own ticket types and associate custom statuses for each ticket type.
MoreHoliday improves Dolibarr's native leave management by adding a rolling week view of leave, an advanced status of leave by employee, an advanced leave dashboard
CustomTabs allows the addition of additional tabs on the Dolibarr element sheets (clients, products, ...) as a form or a list. Template and document management (GED) can be added. The access rights to the tabs are managed by groups of users. Data entered in tabs can be used in .odt documents
Enhances the native functions of project management dolibarr, interventions and contracts. - Report on operations - Contract Maturity - Improved input consumed time (monthly and on the fly) - Improved followed time consumed on projects - Billing deadlines contracts, interventions and projects - Agenda view (project and action)