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Allows you to program different types...
Il modulo Quick Invoicing di Dolibarr è progettato per semplificare e...
Funzioni di reportistica e ricerca avanzata
Questo modulo rivoluziona la visualizzazione degli elenchi in Dolibarr. Quando si digita un testo in uno dei campi di ricerca o si seleziona una casella a discesa, l'elenco viene aggiornato immediatamente con questi criteri di ricerca. Non è più necessario cliccare sull'icona della lente d'ingrandimento.
Management, printing, viewing and exporting reports. The export can be done in CSV and PDF. You can request for further reports. The module allows us to manage groups of reports. It includes traceability reports to lots and expiration. Now you can create your own reports.
The module automatically generates data exports and sends them by email or FTP according to the settings saved in the module's admin. Automatically send each month the export of your invoices to your accountant for example.
This module allows you to generate cash register Z-tickets and also provides a multi-criteria statistics space (total turnover over a period by category for example, average ticket, breakdown by payment method, VAT rate, ....)
This module allows you to manage Pivot reports (Tables and Charts) from SQL queries. It is provided with 17 predefined SQL queries and 40+ predefined reports. You can add your own SQL queries. Then you can add your own Pivot reports (Tables and / or Charts) by simple settings (selections in lists for some parameters and Drag & Drop for others)
- La dichiarazione del cliente - Dichiarazione del fornitore - Dichiarazione dei crediti del cliente - Dichiarazione di debito del fornitore - Stato riepilogo cliente
View all the vital figures for your business on curves, maps or charts. The KPI module allows you to study your catchment area, or other strategic data for your entrepreneurial vision. And if you need more figures, contact us!
Il modulo "Riepilogo prodotti Dolibarr e gestione magazzino" ti permette di creare e classificare i tuoi prodotti in base alle loro tipologie, ad esempio: Prodotti finiti, Materie prime... e poi fare un inventario dei tuoi prodotti in base a queste categorie.
llStats: Advanced and Interactive Statistics for sales, purchases or margins, by product or product group, by third party or third party group, or by commercial
Don't waste time on searches anymore ! "Search everywhere" literally searches in all datas on Contacts, Thirds, events,...
The commmissions module allow to manage commercial agents commissions; commissions are calculated on turnover or on margin and are based on orders, on invoices or on payments (full or partial). For Dolibarr v10 and more.