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Allows you to program different types...
Il modulo Quick Invoicing di Dolibarr è progettato per semplificare e...
Funzioni di reportistica e ricerca avanzata
Estende le funzionalità di DocumentiCome questo, permette l’upload di documenti, ma questi possono essere classificati in categorie e associati a tagOgni documento viene, al momento della sua creazione, memorizzato nel database e classificatoComprende un motore di ricerca, che permette filtri sul database dei documenti, e la possibilità di operazioni...
Il modulo di pianificazione finanziaria permette di prevedere, a fronte dei dati futuri di incassi e uscite (ordini e scadenze dei clienti/fornitor, tasse, salarii) e di dati previsionali inseriti manualmente, la disponibilità economica della tua impresa a breve e medio termine. I risultati sono esportabili in uno spreadsheet e/o analizzabili con grafici.
Keep track of your actions on Dolibarr ! This module allows you to track actions performed on Dolibarr. A view gives you the history of proposals, third parties, contacts, projects, products, events and tasks. The other actions are also archived but no display rendered.
Stop making bank reconciliation manually ! Download your statement onto your bank website and import it with the bank import module. After comparing Dolibarr bank transactions and the ones from the statement, the module automatically makes the reconciliation. If one statement is missing, this new version of the module allows you to search the matching...
Essential 2Labels DoliPOS PACK + to work with your POS, and a barcode reader, manages EAN13 labels for printing them. Pack Offer!
Cette solution composée d'un module Dolibarr et d'un environnement Opensearch permet un Reporting BI en temps réel grâce à des tableaux dynamiques. Vous pourrez également créer vos propres reportings en plus de ceux déjà présent dans le pack, sans avoir nécessairement besoin de connaitre le langage SQL.
Improve your inventories with this module adding new features to the standard inventories! (Anti-dating, sub-storage, PMP and real quantity ).
The Easya/Dolibarr bank tracking add-on module enables you, via a CSV-format import of your bank statements, to perform automatic or manual reconciliations of your entries in Dolibarr. By subscription (contact us) you can automatically download these entries.
Management of quality reports as well as tasks related to quality actions.
Monitor your company's cash flow and financial performance in real time! The module provides you with reports on current, future and projected sales figures. It features current, future and projected Intermediate Balance based on custom accounting groups, as well as insights into your current and future cash flow.