
  • Medical Center

    Module to manage a medical center. Patients, consultations, alerts, documents, ...

    67,20 €

Nuovi Prodotti

  • BankAccount2Doli

    BankAccount2Doli is a module that enables, through regulatory standardization and open banking, the synchronization of bank accounts with Dolibarr.

    60,00 €
  • FacturZen : Relance factures impayés automatique

    The FacturZen module for Dolibarr simplifies and automates the management of overdue invoice reminders. Whether via email or internal tasks, FacturZen helps you optimize your debt collection processes while maintaining full control over your actions.

    72,00 €

Questo è il marketplace ufficiale dove trovare moduli e plugin per Dolibarr ERP/CRM.

  • Se sei un utente Dolibarr:

Puoi cercare funzionalità aggiuntive e trovare vari moduli o estensioni. Sfoglia le categorie o usa il modulo di ricerca in alto per trovare il plugin adatto alle tue necessità...

Molti modulsono gratuiti, altri sono a pagamento (I soci della Dolibarr Foundation hanno diritto ad uno sconto del 20% facendo richiesta all'associazione dopo aver creato il proprio account DoliStore. Per ricevere lo sconto del 20% bisogna attendere l'approvazione della richiesta prima di effettuare gli acquisti)

  • Se sei uno sviluppatore:

Puoi pubblicare i tuoi moduli stabilendo tu il prezzo (se è gratis ancora meglio). Ti basta creare un account e inviare il tuo modulo usando il menu a sinistra.

  • 14 - 20
    60,00 €
    eTicket - PDF and QRCode

    eTicket build a ticket as a beatifull PDF file and display a qrcode on customer screen to make them directly downloadable If your dolibarr is in a LAN there is no problem, thanks to our free service your ticket is on a public impredictable uri and your customer can download it via the deep-link encoded into the qrcode

    60,00 €
    Di Più
  • 15 - 20
    30,00 €

    Simple set of Dashboards displaying Todays takings (Auto refresh) Revenue over a given period Product Dashboard for a given period

    30,00 €
    Di Più
  • V6 - V20
    KanProspects (Prospects Kanban view)

    The Dolibarr KanProspects module allows you to view your prospects in Kanban format for the statuses: To contact, Contact in progress, ... The status of a prospect can be changed by drag & drop from one column to another. This Kanban view is filterable (by Creation Date, Country, Department, Potential) and printable (by right click on the title of a Kanban column)

  • Nuovo
    V20 - V21
    60,00 €

    BankAccount2Doli is a module that enables, through regulatory standardization and open banking, the synchronization of bank accounts with Dolibarr.

    60,00 €
    Di Più
  • 16 - 20
    300,00 €
    Supplier orders from customer order V2

    With this module, create purchase orders based on your stocks available directly from the customer order. Thus you will save time and you will no more reason to be short of stock ! New version, compatible Dolibarr 14.

    300,00 €
    Di Più
  • 14 - 20
    99,00 €
    Stancer online payment

    Stancer is a lowcost payment platform. For the moment that module is in "work in progress", please have a look on french dolibarr forum to get more informations :

    99,00 €
    Di Più
  • 15 - 20
    240,00 €
    Bankwire SEPA V4

    Just like its predecessor “Virement SEPA V2”, “Virement SEPA V4” lets you generate SEPA transfer order files from your payable-to-pay invoices and expense reports in just one click. All you have to do is transmit the file to your bank, and everything will be done automatically! What's new in V4: This new version adds additional parameters and takes credit memo invoices into account.

    240,00 €
    Di Più
  • V14 - V20
    204,00 €
    Auto selling price

    The module automatically calculates your selling prices according to the cost price and the desired margin rate. With this module, you can manage your margins automatically! Ensure your turnover and your profits!

    204,00 €
    Di Più
  • 15 - 20
    24,00 €
    Dolibarr Extended Notes

    Extended Notes transfert third party notes to order, propal, bill public and/or private notes

    24,00 €
    Di Più
  • V6 - V21
    120,00 €
    Ri.Ba.(Ricevuta Bancaria Elettronica)

    Questo modulo consente di generare gli effetti con il metodo Ri.Ba.(Ricevuta Bancaria Elettronica) da presentare in banca per l'incasso. E' valido solo per gli istituti di credito italiani.

    120,00 €
    Di Più
  • 18 - 20
    Pre-Opportunity Module

    Sales team will not like to clutter their list of Customer & Prospects with this list or dump of suspects, hence they prefer to keep the list of suspects separately. To resolve this practical challenge faced by Sales team we have come up with this Pre-Opportunity module.

  • 3 - 20
    10,80 €
    Multi External Sites

    Module allow to add multiple external sites Demo (demo/demo)

    10,80 €
    Di Più