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BankAccount2Doli is a module that enables, through regulatory standardization and open banking, the synchronization of bank accounts with Dolibarr.

60,00 €

  • Autore APLOSE
  • Versione modulo 1.0
  • Rilascio data 10/02/2025
  • Access to updates and downloads Lifetime access

Maggiori informazioni

BankAccount2Doli is a module that enables, through regulatory standardization and open banking, the synchronization of bank accounts with Dolibarr. It provides a modern and intuitive interface for managing bank imports. It is based on the GoCardless/Nordigen API, which is currently available for free if you create a (free) account with this payment provider. The functionality is equivalent to that of an account aggregator.
In the future, it will also offer GoCardless payment processing (fees lower than Stripe or PayPal).