Nuovi Prodotti

  • PrepaCom

    PrepaCom Module - Order Picking Extension for Dolibarr This module acts as a connector between your Dolibarr instance and the Dolimob SaaS order picking application. It provides the necessary API endpoints and picking status tracking, enabling seamless integration with Dolimob's mobile picking features.

    115,20 €
  • Sales statistics and stock coverage

    This module allows you to display the list of products with the number of sales over a specific period, stock coverage and physical stock. The list can be filtered by supplier.

    120,00 €

File manager


File manager in un singolo modulo dolibarr

12,00 €

  • Autore Mohammed Mohammed
  • Versione modulo 1.0.x
  • Rilascio data 02/09/2019
  • Compatibilità Dolibarr3.8.x - 10.x
  • Ultimo aggiornamento 02/01/2025 17.02

Maggiori informazioni

con questo modulo puoi vedere la dimensione dei file e puoi cambiarli

Module version: 1.0
Publisher/Licence: Dev modules / AGPL
User interface language: English , French , Spanish ,Italian,German
Help/Support: [email protected]

  • Dolibarr min version: 3.8
  • Dolibarr max version: 10.0.1


  • Download the archive file of module (.zip file) from web site
  • Put the file into the root directory of Dolibarr.
  • Uncompress the zip file, for example with command
  • Module or skin is then available and can be activated.