
  • Gantt professionale avanzato Dolibarr

    Ti piacerebbe vedere evolvere il tuo progetto in modo efficiente e strutturato? Il modulo Gantt Professional Advanced ti consente di gestire tutti i tuoi progetti in un unico posto, senza la necessità di utilizzare Gantt Project. Crediamo che tu possa gestire efficacemente i tuoi progetti con gli strumenti giusti e il modulo avanzato Gantt Professional è uno di questi.

    360,00 €  ( 720€ )
  • massaction

    This module offers new mass actions: batch download of PDF documents as a zip archive, batch adding of recipients to a mailing list, batch assignment of a salesperson to third parties.

    108,00 €  ( 216€ )

Nuovi Prodotti

  • Input calculator

    With this module you add a popoup calculator beside numeric fields.

  • Translate

    Automatic translate your products & services database into other languages thanks to deepL (or other to become)

    60,00 €

SoleilSign (Electronic Signature for Dolibarr Interventions)


The SoleilSign module for Dolibarr adds a pdf printing template to Interventions module for electronically signing the generated pdf, thereby shortening the print/sign/scan cycle. Usage example: - Your Intervening comes to your customer for an intervention. - When the work is finished, the Intervening and the Customer can sign the Intervention card directly on the screen, thanks to SoleilSign.

52,80 €

  • Autore Mohammed EL KOULANI
  • Versione modulo 1.9
  • Rilascio data 04/05/2019
  • Access to updates and downloads Lifetime access
  • Come contattare l'assistenza [email protected]
  • Compatibilità DolibarrV7 - V20
  • Ultimo aggiornamento 08/02/2025 17.01

Maggiori informazioni

Module version: auto
Publisher/Licence: ProgSI / AGPL
User interface language: English / French
Help/Support: Mail to [email protected]

  • Dolibarr min version: auto
  • Dolibarr max version: auto




  • Download the archive file of module (.zip file) from web site
  • Put the file into the custom directory of Dolibarr.
  • Uncompress the zip file, for example with command
  • Module or skin is then available and can be activated.


N.B. This module offers a technical solution for signing documents on the screen, but the publisher does not know if this signature is legally valid in your country.