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Nuovi Prodotti
Il modulo Monitoraggio delle e-mail inviate in Dolibarr consente agli utenti di tracciare in tempo reale lo stato delle e-mail inviate ai clienti o partner direttamente dal sistema.
Hypercode is an intelligent Dolibarr module that generates GS1-compliant barcodes, calculates the checksum, and smartly assigns the next available number by filling gaps in existing sequences. Simple, efficient, and integrated with the native Barcode module.
Simplifie le calcul des remises globale au niveau des pièces de dolibarr (propal, commande, facture) en répartissant la remise globale (en %, TTC ou HT) en remise sur les lignes détaillées
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20.0.+1.8.0 (2024-07) |
19.0.+1.7.0 (2023-11) |
17.0.+1.6.0 (2023-03) |