
  • Gantt professionale avanzato Dolibarr

    Ti piacerebbe vedere evolvere il tuo progetto in modo efficiente e strutturato? Il modulo Gantt Professional Advanced ti consente di gestire tutti i tuoi progetti in un unico posto, senza la necessità di utilizzare Gantt Project. Crediamo che tu possa gestire efficacemente i tuoi progetti con gli strumenti giusti e il modulo avanzato Gantt Professional è uno di questi.

    360,00 €  ( 720€ )
  • massaction

    This module offers new mass actions: batch download of PDF documents as a zip archive, batch adding of recipients to a mailing list, batch assignment of a salesperson to third parties.

    108,00 €  ( 216€ )

Nuovi Prodotti

Portofolio : assegnazione utente a terzi e gruppi


Semplifica la ripartizione dei portafogli commerciali. Più ha bisogno di andare su ogni profilo cliente per definire il business che hanno accesso: gli ospiti filtrati, seleziona l'assegnazione o la disattivazione commerciale e valido.

36,00 €

  • Autore Charlene BENKE
  • Versione modulo 1.20.0
  • Rilascio data 03/09/2015
  • Access to updates and downloads 1000 giorni
  • Come contattare l'assistenza Page de support
  • Compatibilità DolibarrV16 - V20   -   PHP7 - 8
  • Ultimo aggiornamento 16/02/2025 09.09

Maggiori informazioni



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Module presentation

The Portfolio module for Dolibarr ERP/CRM facilitates the mass management and assignment of sales representatives to third parties, as well as the organization of products, services, users, and contacts within groups and categories.

Key Features:

Sales Representative Assignment:

Quickly assign users to third parties as sales representatives, thus optimizing customer relationship management.

Advanced User Group Management:

Efficiently organize your users and contacts by assigning them to specific groups, improving internal collaboration.

Category Management:

Categorize your products, services, users, and contacts into custom categories, making them easier to identify and manage.

Third-Party Clone:

Easily duplicate third-party records while maintaining a reference to the original entity, simplifying the creation of new, similar records.

Automated Notifications:

Automatically add the associated sales representative as a recipient when sending emails or setting up appointments, ensuring seamless communication.

Detailed Reports:

Access reports on outstanding invoices by customer or sales representative, providing increased visibility into performance. commercial.

Latest developments of the module

21.0.+1.21.0 (2024-01)
  • chg V 21 Compatibility
  • add default filtering on setting
  • add add turnover user feature
  • fix Some translation errors
20.0.+1.20.0 (2024-09)
  • chg V 20 Compatibility
  • fix thirdparty clone feature set_parent change to setParent
19.0.+1.19.0 (2024-04)
  • chg V 18 and 19.0 Compatibility
  • Supported languages
    French French - English English - Italian Italian - German German 

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