
  • Medical Center

    Module to manage a medical center. Patients, consultations, alerts, documents, ...

    67,20 €  (84€)
  • massaction

    This module offers new mass actions: batch download of PDF documents as a zip archive, batch adding of recipients to a mailing list, batch assignment of a salesperson to third parties.

    108,00 €  ( 216€ )

Nuovi Prodotti

  • Modulo Prodotti Consegnati - Venduti per Dolibarr

    Il modulo Prodotti Consegnati - Venduti consente il monitoraggio dettagliato dei prodotti ricevuti, consegnati e venduti in Dolibarr. Fornisce una visione chiara dei movimenti di magazzino e aiuta a ottimizzare la gestione dei prodotti in base alle vendite e alle forniture.

    120,00 €
  • FacturZen : Relance factures impayés automatique

    The FacturZen module for Dolibarr simplifies and automates the management of overdue invoice reminders. Whether via email or internal tasks, FacturZen helps you optimize your debt collection processes while maintaining full control over your actions.

    72,00 €

This module or version is no more available. It may have been discontinued by the author or replaced by another module or version.

Ultimatepdf 3.5-3.7


Véritable couteau Suisse pour personnaliser vos documents (commande, expedition, facture avec lcr, fichinter, project, propale, commandes et factures fournisseur). L'administration du module vous permet de gérer votre charte graphique personnelle ainsi que de nombreux paramétrages.

  • Autore ATOO.NET
  • Rilascio data 01/06/2015
  • Ultimo aggiornamento 02/01/2025 17.11

Maggiori informazioni

Module version: 3.7.x
Updated on 15/10/2015
Publisher/Licence: Philippe GRAND / GPL
User interface language: English
Help/Support: mail to [email protected]

  • Dolibarr min version: 3.5
  • Dolibarr max version: 3.7.*


  • Download the archive file of module (.zip file) from web site
  • Put the file into the root directory of Dolibarr.
  • Uncompress the zip file, for example with command
  • You can get help from INSTALL and README files
  • The tree must be: htdocs / custom / ultimatepdf (htdocs is the root of your Dolibarr). Check within your file conf.php that the lines related to the custom folder are uncommented.
  • Module is then available and can be activated.
features :
* Rules to forge address boxes:
- Show phone, fax and email if a contact address is used
- Hide VAT intra within addresses blocks
* Rules to forge columns:
- Display the reference column
- Hide the column and the amount of VAT.
- Hide the long description in the description column.
- Hide references in the description column.
- Hide all data in the columns following the description ( VAT, Public price, Qty, Discount, Total).
- Hide amount without tax
- Hide quantities.
- Hide VAT amounts.
* miscellaneous Settings (The settings can now be done independently withinin proposals, orders and invoices)

- Add a dotted line between lines of products/services.

- Display folding mark at third of page

- Display thumbnails photos of products in your Proposals

- Display thumbnails photos of products in your Orders

- Display thumbnails photos of products in your Invoices

- Do not repeat the header if there are multiple pages

- Display another logo that the company logo.

- Hide RIB part of the bank account.

- Change the height of the placeholder for free text block

- Displaying a background image on your documents.

- Show block: "Good for Agreement"

- View the signature of the representative in charge in the public block note.

- Display Thirdparty barcode within Proposals, Orders, Expeditions and Invoices.
- Display ThirdpartyQRcode within Proposals, Orders, Expeditions and Invoices.
- Display or mask LS and LR columns on expeditions.
- Add and merge one or more pdf to your proposals, Invoices or Orders.
- Add and configure a specific line using dictionaries and extrafields on your proposals, Invoices or Orders.
-Choise your bank account on invoices.