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Nuovi Prodotti
The FacturZen module for Dolibarr simplifies and automates the management of overdue invoice reminders. Whether via email or internal tasks, FacturZen helps you optimize your debt collection processes while maintaining full control over your actions.
The “Mass order generation” module enables you to convert your sales proposals into mass orders. It enables you to transform several quotations into separate orders, or to combine several quotations from the same customer into a single order. Save precious time and optimize your sales management!
The CMMS (Computerised Maintenance Management System) module is an essential, automated, simple and high-performance tool for optimising the management of your equipment and your operations. Thanks to its intuitive interface, you can plan, monitor and analyse all your maintenance operations. Extend the life of your assets and improve the productivity of your teams
Module version: auto
Publisher/Licence: Nicolas SILOBRE / GPL-v3
User interface language: English
Help/Support: None / Forum / Mail to [email protected]
Install (For Dolibarr v9+:
Install (For Dolibarr v8-):