
  • Gantt professionale avanzato Dolibarr

    Ti piacerebbe vedere evolvere il tuo progetto in modo efficiente e strutturato? Il modulo Gantt Professional Advanced ti consente di gestire tutti i tuoi progetti in un unico posto, senza la necessità di utilizzare Gantt Project. Crediamo che tu possa gestire efficacemente i tuoi progetti con gli strumenti giusti e il modulo avanzato Gantt Professional è uno di questi.

    360,00 €  ( 720€ )
  • Medical Center

    Module to manage a medical center. Patients, consultations, alerts, documents, ...

    67,20 €  (84€)

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Product Return


This module manage merchandise returns from customer. It generates input stock movements and allow to generate a credit note.

216,00 €

  • Autore Altairis
  • Versione modulo 2025.01.1
  • Rilascio data 16/10/2023
  • Access to updates and downloads 365 giorni

Maggiori informazioni



Dolibarr experts since 2006


Product Return

  Editor : Altairis
Licence: GPL V3
Dolibarr : from 18
Languages : French, English



The module is aimed at all Dolibarr users wishing to set up a product return system in their stock, whether for a rental activity, or a simple return after sale. You will be able to create returns and credit notes, change their labels, add a public note, and a comment. A PDF document will be automatically generated when you validate a return.

Module compatibility and compliance:

This module is compatible with all native Dolibarr modules and in particular the Batch/Series module which allows you to manage your equipments.

This module is part of our Dolirent solution for rental. It also works with Dolitools, our Swiss army knife tool for Dolibarr.


Support and assistance

Buying this module gives you access to one year of corrective maintenance. This corrective maintenance does not include help to use the module or user support, only bugs correction, providing good use of the module as intended, and within the compatible version of Dolibarr.

For any inquires, you can open a ticket via our support page.

Installation and updates

Download the archive .zip of the module.

  • Manual deployment: Unzip the archive to the /htdocs/custom directory of your dolibarr installation.
  • Assisted deployment : Upload the archive directly to your Dolibarr from the Configuration > Modules/Applications, Deploy/Install Plug-in tab.

The module can then be activated and set up.

Before any installation or updates, please make sure that the module is officially compatible with your version of Dolibarr.

Availability of updates

The latest versions of our modules can be found on Dolistore and our own website.

Access to updates of our modules is free for 1 year as from the purchase date.