Nuovi Prodotti

  • Supplier Quote Input: Supplier quotes from quotes / customer orders and simplified tracking

    Quickly create price requests to several suppliers and much more! The “Supplier Quote Input” module is a powerful and intuitive tool that transforms the way you manage supplier quotes in Dolibarr. With this module, you can quickly create requests for quotations from your Dolibarr quotes or orders, and send them simultaneously to several suppliers.

    276,00 €
  • Memorandum

    This module allows users to digitally sign memorandums through a public-facing page, ensuring ease of access and efficiency. Additionally, an updated section in the HRM (Human Resource Management) part of the user profile displays all relevant memorandums, promoting transparency and record-keeping.

    72,00 €

Dolibarr The Book 18.0 (version française)


La ventiduesima edizione di questo libro esce, mentre la reputazione di Dolibarr è già ben consolidata con questa versione 18.0. Mette in evidenza i numerosi progressi e le novità dell'ERP/CRM Dolibarr che è diventato un punto di riferimento nel mondo del software Open Source.

15,83 €

  • Autore ATOO.NET
  • Versione modulo 18.0.x
  • Compatibilità Dolibarr 10.0.x - 18.0.0
  • Rilascio data 11/08/2023
  • Ultimo aggiornamento 02/01/2025 16.48

Maggiori informazioni

Book version: 18.0.0
Publisher/Licence: Philippe GRAND / CC-BY-SA
User interface language: Book in French
Help/Support:  Mail to [email protected]

  • Dolibarr min version: 10.0
  • Dolibarr max version: 18.0

WARNING: This is not a final version, this guide (pdf format, 423 pages) is constantly updated, therefore we recommend that you wear your attention to the new versions that follow the evolution of Dolibarr and will be available to users of dolistore