
  • massaction

    This module offers new mass actions: batch download of PDF documents as a zip archive, batch adding of recipients to a mailing list, batch assignment of a salesperson to third parties.

    108,00 €  ( 216€ )
  • Gantt professionale avanzato Dolibarr

    Ti piacerebbe vedere evolvere il tuo progetto in modo efficiente e strutturato? Il modulo Gantt Professional Advanced ti consente di gestire tutti i tuoi progetti in un unico posto, senza la necessità di utilizzare Gantt Project. Crediamo che tu possa gestire efficacemente i tuoi progetti con gli strumenti giusti e il modulo avanzato Gantt Professional è uno di questi.

    360,00 €  ( 720€ )

Nuovi Prodotti

  • Input calculator

    With this module you add a popoup calculator beside numeric fields.

  • dolidrive

    Use a remote nexcloud share as an external source for dolibarr GED.

    180,00 €

Ipbx3CX - module link with a 3CX


ipbx3cx module link with a 3CX.Configuring 3CX will ensure the following: Search and completion of the 3CX contact book with dolibarr elements Creation of contact / Third parties Log of incoming and outgoing calls in the calendar. The module provides the file needed by 3CX; Note that it is necessary to have a 3CX enterprise license

398,40 €

  • Autore osCSS shop
  • Versione modulo 1.0.2
  • Rilascio data 10/03/2022
  • Compatibilità Dolibarr12.0.0 - 15.x.x
  • Ultimo aggiornamento 02/01/2025 16.54

Maggiori informazioni

Softwares Services Supports


Module Name IPBX3CX
Description ipbx3cx module link with a 3CXAddition of specific entry point on the dolibarr API to allow the link with 3CX.Configuring 3CX will ensure the following: Search and completion of the 3CX contact book with dolibarr elements Creation of contact / Third parties Log of incoming and outgoing calls in the calendarthe module provides the file needed by 3CX; Note that it is necessary to have a 3CX enterprise license
Editor Oscss-Shop
Licence GPLv3 + FREE updates for LIFE
Version auto
Dolibarr minimum version auto
Dolibarr maximum version auto (All our modules are based on Framework and so will stay compatible with Dolibarr future versions.)
  • Français
  • Suisse
  • Belge
  • English
  • British
  • American
  • Italiano
  • Deutsch
  • Spanol
  • Russian
  • Portugues
  • Nederlands
  • + de langues sur demande
Demonstration On demand by mail
Support Bug fixe by updating when they are published or paying for urgent needs
  1. Download the archive file containing the module (.zip) from
  2. Put the file in the custom directory preferably (dolibarr/htdocs/custom/) or in the root dolibarr directory (dolibarr/htdocs/)
  3. Unzip the zip file, by example with thecommand line : unzip
  4. Go to the list of modules via the configuration area, activate the module Framework and register it if you want to receive updates,
  5. If Framework indicate an update, please install it,
  6. The module you downloaded will then be available for activation,
  7. If your module notifies you of an update, install it as well.
Mises a jour Go to the list of modules via the configuration area, each module with an update proposes to update you in one click!

NB: you have to register Framework to receive updates.


Webmail for Dolibarr with the DolMessage module
Transmission of dematerialized invoice (EDI) for Dolibarr with the EDI module
Personalise your Dashboard and add other dashboard