
  • Medical Center

    Module to manage a medical center. Patients, consultations, alerts, documents, ...

    84,00 €

Nuovi Prodotti

  • Sanitary Register

    With this module you can create a new object as Sanitary register or a Patent then assign this object to a product or products. It have expire date and notify you when is close to expire.

    36,00 €
  • Memorandum

    This module allows users to digitally sign memorandums through a public-facing page, ensuring ease of access and efficiency. Additionally, an updated section in the HRM (Human Resource Management) part of the user profile displays all relevant memorandums, promoting transparency and record-keeping.

    72,00 €
Reportistica e ricerca

Funzioni di reportistica e ricerca avanzata

Reportistica e ricerca Esistono prodotti 107.

per pagina
Mostrando 1 - 12 of 107 items
  • 240,00 €
    Contact/Exchange tracking V3

    The ‘Contact/Exchange Tracking V3’ module is designed to optimise the management of interactions between your company and third parties (prospects, customers, suppliers, etc.). Version 3 introduces a number of major improvements to make it easier to use, strengthen collaboration between your teams and enhance interaction tracking.

    240,00 €
    Di Più
  • 48,00 €
    Movements - Summary

    This module simplifies stock movement tracking by combining multiple entries into one line, grouped by origin. It includes returned quantities in the summary, giving a clear and easy-to-read overview of inventory changes.

    48,00 €
    Di Più
  • 48,00 €
    Closing Stock Report

    Detailed report on closing stock with physical stock entries and variance calculations.

    48,00 €
    Di Più
  • 49,20 €
    SaveMySearch (custom filters for Dolibarr lists)

    The SaveMySearch module allows you to save, under a label of your choice, the parameters of your search in a Dolibarr list and to restore them at any time with a simple click.\r\nThis is particularly useful if you have the impression that you are always looking for the same things on this or that list.\r\nIt is presented in the form of a toolbar which is placed above the Dolibarr lists.

    49,20 €
    Di Più
  • 90,00 €
    PrestHarvest : Collecte de prestation pour une facturation différée

    Il modulo PrestHarvest consente di raccogliere servizi associati ad un cliente e ad un prodotto/servizio\r\nQuesta raccolta viene effettuata tramite un'API o dal foglio di intervento, ticket, attività, ecc. Per poi fatturarli in blocco.

    90,00 €
    Di Più
  • 26,40 €

    OrganizationChart module adds a button in the users list (Home > Users & Groups > Users list).\r\nThe button click displays the company Organization Chart.

    26,40 €
    Di Più
  • 96,00 €

    The BomHierarchy module adds the "Hierarchy" tab to the card of a BOM.\r\nThis tab displays a hierarchical view of the BOM and its possible sub-BOMs.\r\nThis hierarchical view allows you to quickly understand the structure of your manufactured products regardless of their complexity.\r\nIt also allows you to detect any anomalies in the definitions of your BOMs.

    96,00 €
    Di Più
  • 24,00 €
    Thirdparty Status

    A module that shows the finance situation for each thirdparty and make a printable version of it

    24,00 €
    Di Più
  • 90,00 €
    moreHoliday : Migliorare la gestione delle ferie

    <p>MoreHoliday improves Dolibarr's native leave management by adding a rolling week view of leave, an advanced status of leave by employee, an advanced leave dashboard</p>

    90,00 €
    Di Più
  • 120,00 €
    Certificazione Annuale

    Il Modulo Certificato Annuale consente di generare il modello francese del certificato relativo agli acquisti di forniture, subappalti o servizi da aziende idonee.\r\n\r\n

    120,00 €
    Di Più
  • 64,80 €
    Easily export your lists to Excel and PDF

    Simplifiez l'exportation de listes vers Excel et PDF avec notre module intégré.

    64,80 €
    Di Più
  • 12,00 €
    Activity : Aggiunto widget di monitoraggio delle attività

    <p>This module adds widgets to Dolibarr home pages. You can choose on which dolibarr home page (home, third party, accounting, etc.) to position them.</p>

    12,00 €
    Di Più
Mostrando 1 - 12 of 107 items