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This web site is the official market place to find addons and plugins for the Dolibarr ERP CRM project.
You can search for additional features and find different modules or extensions. Browse the categories to find your extension or use the search form at the top of the page ...
Some extensions/modules are free, some are paid (Members of the Dolibarr foundation benefits a 20% discount if the request is made to the association once account has been created on DoliStore. Buying product must be done after the request has been processed to see the 20% discounts on all prices)
You can submit your own modules, you choose the price (free is better). For this, just create an account and submit your module from left menu.
This module works with a French URSSAF API only. Read the documentation in French for details!
The "Dunning" module offers a pre-filtered overview of all overdue invoices, an overview of the dunning levels sent to date for each invoice and the simultaneous creation of dunning notices for multiple invoices.\r\nNew features for Dolibarr 19:\r\n- Mass mailing via the dunning list\r\n- Dispatch of the reminder with attached invoice
<p>This Module allows you to add several functionalities in HR Plus Module (we called it Advanced HR Module), Below the elements integrated in this Module: Advanced HR Management 1- Staff Score 2- Medical records 3- Employee advances 4- CNSS employees 5- Payroll Management 6- Global Recap 7- Charges / month 8- CNSS State</p>
The CMMS module is the essential, automated, simple and high-performance tool for optimizing the management of your equipment and operations. Thanks to its intuitive interface, it enables you to plan, track and analyze all your maintenance operations. Extend the life of your assets and improve the productivity of your teams
<p>MBI ETransactions module allows you to use Crédit Agricole E-Transactions secure online payment solution.</p>
Module gives new feature to POS which show you the price minimal of product add when you change product's price with value under product price minimal
The "Third Party Code Generator" module is a free module that allows you to automatically generate codes based on the Dolibarr timeline for your customers or suppliers.
The “Equipment Time Tracking” module in Dolibarr enables daily tracking of rental equipment usage, particularly in industrial or construction project contexts. This module facilitates the entry, monitoring, and management of equipment work hours and drivers while allowing detailed analysis of equipment performance and fuel consumption.
<p>This module allows you to use Lyra payment gateway on Dolibarr. It has the following features:</p>\r\n<p>\r\n- Standard payment by credit card <br>\r\n- Automatic redirection to Dolibarr at the end of the payment<br>\r\n- Payment by embedded fields<br>\r\n- Payment in a pop-in<br>\r\n- Update invoice / order after payment through Instant Payment Notification URL.\r\n</p>
Le module Relance Facture Globale permet d’envoyer une notification par e-mail, depuis la fiche d’un tiers, des factures en retard impayées. Il est possible de personnaliser l’objet et le contenu du mail de notification via la page de configuration du module.
<p>SMS Decanet allows you to send SMS to your contacts very simply. You can customize the sender number with an alphanumeric one (by example, you can send a SMS from "DECANET"). SMS price start from 0,05€/sms</p>
This module is used to generate CSV files for PrestaShop.\r\n\r\n- Exports simple or declined products, images, attributes, category, etc.\r\n- Adjustment of the final price, exports your impacts on price and weight.\r\n- Automatic link generation for downloading under Prestashop.