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Products and modules provided on DoliStore are submitted by any supplier with an account on platform, with no need to be affiliated to the Dolibarr foundation (this may change in future).
Only modules published under an approved OSI licence can be published. Also if your module is a derivative work of Dolibarr (use Dolibarr components, files or API, this is the case for 99% of modules) your licence must be compatible with the GPL v3+ license of Dolibarr. If license is not provided, you accept to have your module being distributed under the GPL v3+ licence.
The reference selling price is set by the seller. Any sell is however completely validated only after a delay of 1 month, after the buying date. During this delay, the foundation can cancel transaction for any reason and without notifying the seller (if this occurs, seller will see it into its statistics panel into its seller dashboard area).
The selling price is a reference price without VAT and not the final sale price. At this price, a VAT is added (that the Dolibarr foundation pays to government). In addition, when selling on DoliStore, vendors agree that sales made to members of the Dolibarr foundation are done through a reduction defined by the foundation (20%). The real final purchase price of each sale, appears, excluding VAT, in the detailed sales statistics.
The foundation keep 20% of amount to pay bank charges, resiliation cost and management fees. Remain money will be used to help the promotion of Dolibarr ERP & CRM.
Once payment is received, the buyer can download ordered modules/products files, from its account are "My orders", or from a link available in email received by buyer once its payment is validated.
The product can be downloaded from DoliStore web site during a duration of 1 year after payment.
The buyer cannot in any case hold responsible the association Dolibarr as for the good functioning or not of the acquired product, the quality of the documentation which accompanies it or not, nor with the requirement of the prerequisites necessary to use the product . The association does not ensure quality control of the modules (except on the form of the package). The association reserves the right to de-validate a module if it causes too many complaints.
In the event of a problem installing or using the module purchased, any assistance must be sought by the buyer from the module editor directly, via the support channel described in the product description, if the supplier provides, information mandatory in the product description (if this information is not available, please alert the association).
The buyer may possibly obtain a refund under the following conditions:
- The buyer must appear within 1 month after the date of purchase
- The buyer must have first tried to resolve the problem via discussions with the module editor. The emails exchanged with this money can be sent to the association for proof (to [email protected]). A period necessary to allow these exchanges between the buyer and the publisher will be required by the association in order to maximize the chances of amicable resolutions before the initiation of the cancellation of the sale and the refund.
Most products available on this market place are free of charge and can be downloaded directly from this market place. No payment is required in this case.
However, some authors decide to charge something to distribute their works. There is no problem to conciliate
both approaches (Price to distribute code versus OpenSource licence): The Free Software
Foundation, that has created the GNU GPL Licence, one of the most used licence for OpenSource
software, allows and encourages this, and provides some explanations on this page :